Make Fortify a Passive for Orisa

What are you supposed to do when he gets in your face then if you can’t even boop him away?

I just miss rein being not knocked around

Have him be the ultimate backline assassin and ask for nerfs.

I’m not saying an immunity. I’m saying a reduction. Reaper would still be weak to the same things he currently is, like getting Matrix’d or getting his big ol melon dinked. He’d just at least have some advantage over other brawlers.

Uh, no. No. I rather they gave something like that to Reinhardt and only while he’s using his Shield.

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Huh? How could you go about doing something like that? It’s either he get’s cc’d or he doesn’t.

Put Fortify on a resource meter that you toggle on and off, voila.

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The thing is Orisa is still pretty much the worst tank in the game.

In a meta centred around Brigitte and armour, why is the tank who offers so much armour and CC immunity so poor?

It’s just flat out because it is WAY easier to rush down Orisa over Reinhardt.

You get closer to Reinhardt, it makes it easier for him to dish out a LOT of damage. You get closer to Orisa? She can only pew pew or Halt! to slow down at least 1 or 2 people.

Reinhardt needs BUG fixes before any buffs; he wasn’t touched and jumped to the most picked character in the game other than Brigitte.

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30% CC reduction. 1 second CC now becomes 0.7 seconds. Instead of getting booped 10 meters, he gets booped 7 meters.

Won’t completely negate his vulnerability to CC, but it’ll mitigate it.

Its a very good suggestion.

Passive: Fortify

Orisa is immune to all CC effects

New abiliy: ?

Up for discussion but can include a damage redution if needed

Ive said before that every hero should have a passive. Passives are awesome and really complete a kit.

I want tanks to be in a better place as well, but CC immunity is something that should be used sparingly and absolutely not as a passive. It’s like when people want Ana’s Nano to give CC immunity, it removes virtually all counterplay to some ults.

Orisa is actually more well equipped to deal with CC characters than many of the other tanks (fortify obviously, but her little mini-grav is pretty good as well).


Nano boosted lucio enhanced terminator. I can read the forum posts in my head right now :joy:

I think that would honestly be too much. You need to be able to force a window, a shorter cooldown would be enough.

I still don’t think that’s a good idea. There are better things to buff that won’t get him nerfed immediately.

CC immunity should have counterplay and skill required around it. Orisa’s fortify does give her cc immunity but it takes even more mobility while giving her defensive power.

If such a thing were given to Rein I’d say put it as an extra passive with his barrier. If Barrier has been held up continuously for X seconds then he gains cc immunity. Rein already loses mobility with barrier up, and while he blocks damage from one direction you can go around him to damage him for full damage. But in this way you can’t outright interrupt him, he can have a dedicated healer keeping him alive from anyone foolish enough to go behind him while the rest of the team deletes them.

Conversely you can still break his barrier or punish him if he lets his barrier down at all because you have a window to interrupt him before he gains immunity.

Honestly I’m good with Orisa how she is right now I just wish Supercharger was different. It’s such a lackluster ultimate in comparison to others…
Like, I get that her base kit is strong and well balanced but why does her ultimate have to be so boring and potentially useless?

Supercharger is paper thin so it doesn’t even work well as a decoy. For an ultimate with such a high cost I would imagine it would have like, 200 HP and 200 armor so it’s on par with Symmetra’s teleporter / shield gen durability as an ultimate ability construct (Although I suggest armor here in place of shields for Orisa).

Don’t get me wrong, giving all of your teammates +50% damage boost is veryyy strong but heaven forbid an enemy trip over it when you use it and it break the second you put it down.
I’d seriously prefer to see a rework on her ult more than anything.


As someone who plays Orisa a lot, absolutely not. Orisa is in a good place. The only thing that I’d maybe change is her damage to be increased a bit.

Is this because of Orisa’s over dependence on a main healer? Even for a tank?

Yes please. I love whole hogging into Orisa’s especially when they think fortify will save them when it just makes them die faster to it.

Learn to manage Orisa’s fortify better. You don’t need it on a passive.

You’ll recognize a chain CC comp when you see it, and Orisa’s fortify duration is sufficient enough to stop and punish a team that over-commits on the engagement.

Otherwise, I would suggest Zarya as another counter-CC hero who you can use to reactively save people who have been CC’d.