Make Fortify a Passive for Orisa

Do this then give her another ability just take away her 50% damage reduction. A tank that can never be CC’d is a good tank in this meta.


How about we don’t make her broken.


That would also give her 800 HP so… no.


A tank thats immune to cc = broken? How so? I’m not asking for the damage reduction.

Fortify is more than CC immunity; it’s 50% damage reduction.


Okay fine let me correct my post sheesh.

Even if u just wanted cc immunity as a passive and not the dmg reduction thats still massive, since you want another ability to replace it.

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Just shorten the cooldown to 6 or 8 seconds.

Orisa is squishy as it is for a tank if her whole team gets cc’d but her she’ll still probably die regardless.

Lets be real, if any hero deserves CC reduction as a passive, it’s our boys Reaper and Reinhardt.

She is not squishy, taking 50% less dmg while having armor is a ton of dmg mitigation. Also having a shield down most of the time.

Why reaper? He has issues with Brig just because she stuns him but that doesn’t warrant a dps getting cc resistance. He also has wraith form which in itself is cc resistance.

Because Reaper has been rendered essentially irrelevant by other DPS having far stronger toolkits for brawling than him.

No one should get cc immunity permanently, as an ability sure, which she already has.


What are you supposed to do when he gets in your face then if you can’t even boop him away?

I just miss rein being not knocked around

Have him be the ultimate backline assassin and ask for nerfs.

I’m not saying an immunity. I’m saying a reduction. Reaper would still be weak to the same things he currently is, like getting Matrix’d or getting his big ol melon dinked. He’d just at least have some advantage over other brawlers.

Uh, no. No. I rather they gave something like that to Reinhardt and only while he’s using his Shield.

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Huh? How could you go about doing something like that? It’s either he get’s cc’d or he doesn’t.