Make a green post only thread

Where level headed people can have discussions.
Make green text attainable and desirable to become part of a mature dialogue that only the deserving may share in.

Edit: refer to what wyomingmyst responded as a reminder to those of us that don’t know physically bashful
Or those of us who are new

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your username is weirdly fitting for this topic

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:nauseated_face: :green_heart: :frog: :snake: :dragon: :four_leaf_clover:
:white_check_mark: DONE :white_check_mark:


Green text is only given to valuable posters.

These people usually do not share much of their opinion and provide the support needed.
They base everything on the required facts, but if it comes to their opinion it’s usually well formatted and argumented.

It’s indeed green text isn’t a higher status than ours, and it only displays trust from CS in these users.
But if we were to change green text into a thing that is given naturally then it doesn’t seem like much value anymore.


The snake is my favorite

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That’s funny, it’s ok I won’t judge you based on the first thing I see

Green texts aren’t usually just handed out randomly. I think there is only like 8 people who wield the green text.

> implying you can greentext on blizzard forums

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Actually there are only 3 based from this link: cs-mvp - Overwatch Forums

I’m fairly sure there are only Technical Support MVP’s, so that means there are 3 if correct.

Only 2 of the MVP’s are active so that goes from 3 to 2

Just going to add on a bit too.

I don’t think we require any more MVP’s in my opinion.
These MVP’s already do their job greatly, and are great people.

They add on to this community like the cherry on a cake, and keeps everything nice in place.

So for now i’d say everything will be all right with these 3 MVP’s, they do deserve the rank after all.

Reallllly? Didn’t realize it was so low

I Stand corrected there are only 3 in these forums.

Yes it’s quite low. Because these people are people who are helpful and know where to get their information from.


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3 now?!?!!!? Didn’t they just get assassinated?!?!?

No, there were always three. If you look at this link here cs-mvp - Overwatch Forums

It should be clarified unlike the World of WarCraft forums. There is no community MVP program for Overwatch. This is because Overwatch is not a wildly in-depth game with hundreds of quests, classes, weapons, etc. Now I like to think I have a lot of gameplay knowledge about Overwatch. I know every in and out of the Competitive Play rules, leaver penalties, different arcade modes, stats on each hero, etc. I love Overwatch League and try to provide helpful guides on when matches are coming and streaming rewards troubleshooting.

I am a Blizzard Tech Support MVP, which I am part of. A high majority of my posting is actually done in the technical support forum where I work to provide technical information about Overwatch and resolving issues for players like disconnections or crashes. If you would like to help out the community, I encourage everyone to reply to posts in the technical support forum, bug report forum, or the PTR bug report forum wherever you think you can provide a working solution for a player who needs help. The world could always use more heroes.

I am not paid for my participation here on the forums and I get no compensation (except for hugs at BlizzCon). The green text is basically Blizzard saying this post contains important information.

Outside of the tech support forum, I am allowed to post at my own discretion for the most part and have my own opinions. Right now, I am not exactly in favor of many members of the community lately because I actually like the current week of hero bans (despite I have had a terrible time gaining rank in Competitive the last two days). I understand that many of you don’t and that is okay, and I welcome those to disagree with me. Honestly, I wish I could turn off the green text outside of the tech support forum or at least when I am just wanting to debate and discuss about Overwatch (and not making a post to try and help a player). I love this game and want to see it improve in many ways which is why I participate in many of these discussions.

I apologize if I make anyone mad, but I will stick to the facts and truth whenever possible and try to back up my information with official Blizzard statements and responses (though God knows I don’t always succeed). I try to keep polite, but I won’t hesitate to apply a little “salt” if it is appropriate and for the most part, in good humor. I encourage all of you to do the same.

You don’t need green text to be a positive impact in our community!

Cheers! (^^)v


Across all Blizzard North American forums, there is about 10 to 15 of us Tech Support/Customer Service MVPs and several more World of Warcraft MVPs.

Calystol, does not actively post in Overwatch, he mostly does World of Warcraft, but Blizzard used his account as a guinea pig to test the implementation of the MVP group on the new forum platform.


Is it really that bad? Or is it more of a opinion thing?

Edit: Surely in your position you are able to ask?

Well i think it’s because of users changing their opinion because someone with a “higher status” has replied. Whilst there is not an actual difference in status.

Rather have everyone speaking their mind than lying right?

This is very helpful and appreciated.

Let me put it this way, I want to provide my own feedback to the development team and the community. However, it feels awkward having the green text when making my own topics about changes to the game I want to see. Players do think I represent Blizzard, but I don’t. I don’t even directly communicate with the development team and rarely with their community team (only when I need something like a forum pin or something like that).

As an example, a few months ago I was feeling really bad about playing Overwatch dealing with toxic players and made a thread about it. Some of the replies there wanted to ride on the fact that I was a forum MVP. That is valid to some extent, but if there is anything I don’t want to look like is a blinded fool who thumbs up every decision Blizzard makes. Now I do agree with a LOT of things Blizzard has done for Overwatch, I won’t lie about that. But there are some things I think Blizzard could do differently or do better for the game.

It’s not really bad, I am not really abused and I know not to take offense if someone rips into one my threads in a mad fit. Again, people, please if you don’t like anything that I respond, be constructive and feel free to disagree. That makes a constructive discussion.