Ill start uwu.
Sombra’s hack now makes you blind for 3 seconds aswell as disabling your abilities_
Emp will blind you for 6 second_
Translocater is indestructible_
Invisibility is un detectable_
Each time an enemy is hacked emp ult charge will go up by 15%_
Deathblossom becomes a tornado. Sucking everyone within a 50 yard radius in, dealing 100 damage per sec.
On kill: Hook goes off cooldown and gun reloads
Pulse bomb now deals 500 damage on impact, damage decreases by 50 per metre. Sticking an enemy will completely reset all cooldowns.
Self destruct goes through walls :^)
EMP stuns foes for 5 seconds and increase damage they get for 200 %.
During widow ult, All team bullets go through walls.
Wallhack 8) Remember this crap from call of duty
- Being 2.0 again
Mercy: reverted back to mass res
Doomfist has 1 more shield per abilitiy.
Dva gets a selfie emote. Game breaking, I know.
Mei’s freeze is instant and so is her ult.
Halt now stays active as long as you hold RMB
Supercharger now transform Fusion driver into a laser beam cannon that deals 300dmg\s
Teammates can ride your back and both your HP bars will stack.
Fortify is now a passive ability
Instant E rez
For Sombra I would remove the delay between exiting the stealth and firing your gun. You could also deal 50% more damage on hacked heroes.
Deleting high noon…
cries softly in cowboy
Hog has valkyrie instead of whole hog.
His hooks have increased range and chain from one enemy to the next, and he also has free flight and passive hp regen. oh and the speed from valk 1.0
Mercy HPS is doubled during valkyrie, ress is now Valkyrie-exclusive, have 10 seconds CD and is automatically performed on Valkyrie activation, during valkyrie, characters that are damage-boosted have infinite ammo as Mercy have.
Who don’t have a impactful ultimate now?