Make 8 Player FFA Chaeau Deathmatch Permanent

Mystery Heroes n°1
Total Mayhem n°2
FFA DM n°3

That’s an opinion poll on the forums. Most users will never see it; hardly a representative sample.


Still seems pretty accurate.
It’s because of that poll that we have Mystery Heroes permanent on Arcade. I’ve seen many people on Reddit and Twitter said they love Total Mayhem

It’s not anything like as good as data collected by the Devs. They could press a button and know the player count for these various modes in a heartbeat. A poll just isn’t as good, even if it does seemingly confirm your personal experience. Arguably all that poll reflects is that people who use this forum (or indeed Reddit / Twitter) are more likely to be from the casual end of the FPS player spectrum.

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I in general don’t understand why ther is a 5 mode limit for arcade. Ther’s so much space, just add more to it, or change the design to have all modes in it. It’s annoying to go to the cusotm agmes to look for a free spot on ffa chateau AND have all heroes pickable. 90% of them remove all the fun heroes cuz cancer.

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All Deathmatch modes besides mystery should be permanent.

In custom games you will just join games full of tryhard diamond+ players when you just want to chill.

Chateau gets old. What we need is a regular FFA but with chateau every other map.