Major Bastion Bug Still Needs Patch

If you fire your final shot in Tank Mode in less than a second before you transform back or die, then the 1-second shot delay will carry over into the next usage of Tank mode, causing your first shot to take up to an additional second to fire AFTER transformation has completed.

This bug has existed since the closed beta, and has been unacknowledged since.


Fixed. Should be in soon.


Thank you so much! This means the world to me!


Thank you! :smiley:


There IS a god! Praise the developers!


THANK YOU! Final-effing-ly!!!



I’m glad most Bastion players will be glad knowing this bug will be fixed.

I can hear the Bastion mains rejoicing!

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A developer actually responded! Thank you so much!!! <3 <3 <3

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I’m not complaining but, it looks you(HoldTheDoor) finally spammed enough posts on this topic to get a Developer’s attention.


You noticed. :smiley: A broken clock is still right twice a day!


Still would have been nice if you could have calmed down a little and not spam every thread a dev was in.

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WAIT HOLD UP! This glitch is a delay being carried over from one ult to the next? I’ve ignored these posts for months 'cause the first one I read said it was caused when you spam click at the start of the transformation.


Finally. Finally. Finally. I am the first one who found the cause of this bug. I found the cause and kept posting it to forum for one month. Proxillus
made a video from my thread and Kolorblind made a video about it inspired by Proxillus’s video . now finally Blizz knows the cause. happy ending!

Proxillus’s video about bug
Kolorblind’s video

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Taking a look at Ana’s quickscope wonkiness while you’re at it?

so you guys fixed it after 2 years. NICE.

2 years, yet i havent heard about this bug untill now!

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Thanks, closing as fixed then.

“Principal Level Designer” - Woah, you guys fix characters, too? Is there anything you can’t do? :open_mouth:

Or are you a Bastion player yourself, and you went to the character designers next door and be like “Remember when I said: ‘Someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept Blizzard World as a gift’… ?”

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Do you mean that she can’t shoot for the first second? I don’t think that’s a glitch.