Main vs Flex Support / OWL support positions

Well, from 1:37 Sideshow starts to explain this classification:

Main supports

Those who have abilities that can buff their teammates’ abilities, and cites:

  • Mercy (dmg boost and rez)
  • Lucio (speed boost)

Flex supports

Those who have abilities that can debuff the enemy team, and cites:

  • Zen (discord)
  • Ana (nade)

Then proceeds to say that some heroes can be played either in the main or flex position and shows a picture of Brig and Moira.

Now I wonder what he means by this and what about Baptiste? Moira and Brig?

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It’s mainly for the sake of shot-calling.

Baptiste would most definitely be a main support.

But what difference in shot calling they have?

Flex supports probably shot call enemy targets more often

Main supports say when they’re using their cooldowns.

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He probably means the players, not the positions.

OWL generally has flex supports and main support players, not heroes. The main support nomenclature came about because Lucio and Mercy were all there was for main heals, you would always pick Mercy or Lucio, so that player become a “main support” specialist while the other support player would flex, thus a flex support player.

If one look at team’s line ups currently, there’s some remnants of this semantic. Flex support players generally play Zen and Ana, think JJonak, he doesn’t play Lucio or Mercy, that’s reserved for main support players like Custa or Moth.

But all that kind went out the window some time ago.


Yeah, Main/Flex support is just something you can use to describe yourself. It lets everyone know what your personal hero pool is.

Players who are categorized as main supports often tend to play less aim-intensive heroes, allowing the flex supports to focus on aiming rather than shotcalling. It’s not the only distinction that exists, but it’s one that is consistent amongst most OWL teams.