[Main Thread][Nintendo Switch] FPS drops ever since the [Patch 1.58] Pachimari Event

The thing is they helped creating the port, but I don’t think they have access to anything related to the game.

I mean it’s not their problem anymore, they have nothing to do with the rebase as far as I know.

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That’s very true. So riddle me this, why would they tell us to ask Nintendo for a fix even though, as Nintendo put it, “we can’t do anything about it because we are not the publisher of the game.” It makes no sense.

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It makes no sense indeed, but I believe they were actually trying to help somehow. They told me to contact Nintendo too (which I did) and I got the same response as you.

I guess 90% of their resources are focused on OW2 so we are definitely not a priority. But I would like to know if they are at least aware of the issue. If it takes time it’s all right.

It’s the radio-silent mode what bothers me.


so. are we gonna get any help?

I’m curious if those of you also having this issue are using a day one original switch. From threads elsewhere, it’s starting to sound like only the day one switches are having an issue.

Today I put down MH Rise for a moment because I felt like playing some Classic Quick Play. Downloaded OW again, and uninstalled it in less than 5 minutes. Not playing that mess. It’s clunky and slow, it’s not the same game I bought.

I swear this version is just broken.

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My Switch is not day 1 so that’s not the problem.

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My Switch is day one, but it is taking me longer to notice the issues everyone is having. I don’t know why that is. When I do notice the drops in fps, it has been during cutscenes or moments in the archive missions with a lot of enemies on the screen at once that cause it to happen consistently.

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Fresh Reddit topics:



see, it’s clearly not just us. blizzard please just atleast acknowledge the fact that this problem very much exists.

Hello everyone,

Our Overwatch and Quality Assurance teams are looking into the reports of performance issues on the Switch, but they are having some difficulty recreating the problem.

Does anyone experiencing the FPS issues have the game installed on external storage (SD card)? If yes, does reinstalling or moving the game to the internal Switch storage help?

To find out where the game is installed:

  1. From the Home screen select System Settings
  2. Select Data Management
  3. Select Manage Software
  4. Locate Overwatch, if it’s installed on external storage it will show the total install size next to the SD card icon instead of the Switch icon.

Additionally, if anyone is able to record a video or clip of the FPS drop occurring please feel free to share the link in this thread. After copy/pasting the link here, highlight the link and then click the </> button so it will be allowed in the post.


Thanks so much for your response! Personally, i have the game installed on an SD card, reinstalling or moving the game to the switch’s internal storage has not helped fix the issue for me. the frame drops are mainly on the handheld mode, so if you want to test the fps drops i recommend doing it on handheld mode. docked mode has a lot of frame issues too but handheld is definitely the worst when it comes to performance

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Thanks for your response!

I typically keep OW loaded onto my system memory, but since these issues started, I tried moving the game to my SD card as well and the issues persist both on the SD card or system memory.

Because it’s a bit difficult to record video from OW on switch, I’m not sure how many might be able to submit video examples, but if nobody can get footage in sooner, I should have some time to record my gameplay in a couple days.

(I know that some people are saying this is only occuring in handheld mode, but I play in docked mode and can hardly play anymore because it’s so choppy, so while testing in handheld might expedite the process, this is definitely a big issue in both handheld and docked modes!)

We really appreciate hearing that you guys are looking into the matter!


yep this is definitely not just a handheld issue, both are having heavy frame drops but i feel like handheld has it the worst

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Thank you for your interest Jambrix! Really appreciate it.

Moving the game from the SD card to the internal storage was the first thing I tried with no results.

I also tried reinstalling the game several times and even restored factory settings on my Switch with no changes noticed after testing.

It’s true that docked mode seems to be more stable and the drops are more situational, but it’s still a big issue. Handheld gets the worst part without a doubt. It usually struggles the most when both teams are close to each other. We had dips before the March update but they were very situational. We know for a fact the rebase had something to do with it if that helps.

It’s a bit difficult to record Switch gameplay but as @hatebeat said I’m also willing to try if necessary.

I’m gonna do some deep testing and try to notice if the drops happen under specific circumstances.

Thank you!


Overwatch on Nintendo Switch has had major FPS issues ever since the Pachmari event. I tried doing what’s recommended to fix the issue and got nowhere as well. I know the Overwatch team is committed to Overwatch 2, but would you consider looking into the matter further? I also have some ideas on how the user experience could be improved for everyone on Overtwach Nintendo Switch.

This may be a very unpopular opinion for the Blizzard/Overwatch team, but I think it would be wise to give Switch players optimization features similar to PC/XBOX. Giving us the option to lower environmental poly count for higher fps or lower resolution for higher FPS would be fantastic. Anything like that would be very appreciated. I understand the technical difficulties, though. I hope to whom is reading this would consider.

This is a minor nitpick, but can you explain why the player icons don’t correlate to the skin of the hero you’re using during gameplay. Is it to save on performance, memory, or something else entirely? I enjoyed that little detail on other platforms.

Thank you for your time.


They’re looking into the issue. They asked for people to send in gameplay so they can show the issue since they’re having issues recreating the issue.

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This is an issue I’ve been having as well. It will often happen when the game is in a team fight and there’s something like a reaper or pharah ult and the switch can’t handle it. I haven’t had this issue much before the patch but after that it happened a lot. I’ve been mostly playing apex legends since over watch has been just tiring to play, especially in comp when it’s frustrating to lose a fight because you couldn’t react in time.


Thank you so much for responding! It means a lot to the switch community

Personally, I have Overwatch installed in system memory; just so everything can load in quicker (since internal storage is always faster than external). Although, I used to have the game on SD card, and I didn’t notice any significant downgrade in performance compared to internal storage at all.

I would show some gameplay, but I do not have the proper equipment that allows viewers to see the framerate actually dropping (since it’s on a phone). However, I am able to provide how much frames the game drops by.

Before the pachimari update: When many things are going on, the game usually dropped to 25-28fps.

After the pachimari update: When many things are going on, the game usually dropped to 12-20fps.

This analysis above was focused on docked performance, which as of now, is better than handheld. However, both used to run much better before the pachimari update.

Once again, I am so glad to hear feedback from the developers! Hopefully we can all work together to get this major issue solved as soon as possible! Putting a smile on the switch community’s faces! Thank you!


When making a video to show the fps drops, would using a phone camera of some sort be useful?