[Main Thread] WidowMaker Bundle Purchase Failure

I guess I wasn’t the only one with the same problem with the purchase failure and now with the coins being taken but no bundle on the account

I bought the $50 coin pack to get value, cause I knew I’d buy more skins in the future. I had 6k coins on my acc, I already had 300 or so cause of weekly challenges. I went to go buy the new Widow skin and it failed told me to try again later, so I tried again immediately lol. Still failed. I close and re open the game, my coins have been spent on both the failed attempts, and no skin…

There’s also this weird bug where the bundle seems to be really overpriced?

I think it’s easy to replicate too, it should be normally only about $10 but for some reason it’s $21?

The purchasing error should be resolved. You may need to restart the game client but you should be able to purchase the bundle properly at this time.

Don’t buy that overpriced BS. You’re just financing Bobby’s next yacht and nothing will change. and in no world are these skins worth more than $5, but just throw your money out the window.

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literally have enough coins saved up for widow skin only to be told by the game failed to make purchase like hello you better extend that skins time in the shop bcuz i cannot even buy it

Even if that’s true and it’s fixed- What about the people that lost 2,000-4,000+ coins to this bug?

Are we going to get those coins back? There’s gotta be a failsafe when stuff like this goes wrong… You’ve got a lot of people that put money in for that skin just for the game to take those coins away with no reward but- I know you don’t need me to tell you that.

All of this went wrong my main account: KitBelle120. I only keep this Kitsuné one active because for some reason, my other account can’t really talk in the forums but… That’s a separate issue I’m not really concerned by.

I just hope you guys will do SOMETHING for the ones who bought the bundle and didn’t receive it, or at the very least, you’ll address the bug instead of sweeping it under the rug.


If you saw multiple transactions, the duplicates will fail and drop off though it may take a couple of hours to a couple of days. (in some cases failed transactions can take up to 72 hours to drop off. )

don’t come into my discussion that’s about us WANTING to buy the skin and encourage us not to. no one cares. we’re gonna buy a skin if we wish to. it is only 20 bucks.

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If that is the case, doesn’t that mean that you’ll only take the coins for the bundle itself? But does that then guarantee us getting skin after the bug?

But what does that mean for the second charge. You said “drop off” but, does that mean we will get it back?

at this point you guys should just give the ppl that tried to buy it free of charge n give us 2100 coins back this is ridiculous

edit : finally was able to purchase the skin well see if it actually gives me it tho when i log in soon im busy with wow atm but i been waiting so much for this skin

Help, discussion. This sentence has a clear meaning for me: “I can’t objectively justify my decision to spend money, so I’m trying to silence you.”

Don’t you see that you’re just throwing your money out the window? You do not own the skin, you are only allowed to use it. you also don’t see 90% of the skins anyway. At some point, Overwatch will be shut down and then you won’t even be able to play the game where you’re using the skin.

In principle, it’s okay to invest money in a game, but here only a small single-digit percentage goes back into development at all, while the rest is used for the special equipment of Bobby’s yacht.

So now you have the skin (you’re just confirming to Blizzard that it was right to monetize Overwatch like this) Now what? What does he bring you? What added value did it bring you? the answer: nothing, absolutely nothing. Blizzard just thanks you and laughs up their sleeves for ripping you off.

If you think about it, you’re not buying anything, you’re just donating your money to a company that already makes enough, where the CEO gets a $200 million bonus, while hundreds of employees are laid off and many have trouble paying their rent , because it’s too expensive in California.

That kind of “oh I like that, bought” but without thinking about the benefit or added value is exactly why we’re in this situation, why so many games are released in a bloody bad state, always kind of the same and are littered with masses of MTX.

Use your money more wisely. go to the cinema or have a nice meal. Invest in stocks. Buy games or just save the money. The Steam Sale just happened and there are a number of pearls that deserve attention and are really worth their money.

I’ve also bought something from Blizzard, the Widow statue for 120 bucks. However, i can get my money back if I sell the statue, you can’t with the skin, Blizzard even forbids selling accounts. The statue is my property, something real and material, the skin is some 0 and 1 that you don’t own either. In addition, the statue also has an ideal value for me, as it reminds me of good times and experiences in the game, and of what made overwatch so special. A buyable skin can’t do that.

So you want to continue being the brainless consumer. the constant yes man. Without brain and human understanding. Milked by Corps, pumped dry without noticing it and then wondering why you suddenly have no more money. OK, feel free to do that. But don’t complain about bugs, unfinished games, etc., it’s your own fault.

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