[Main Thread] Overwatch 2 crashes after a couple of minutes

idk, people saying to reinstall windows but like i have other games installed, music, etc :((

what version, a debloated?

reinstalling windows didn’t work for me, but i made a new user on windows and that fixed the issue for right now.

people saying that it just works for a few hours :man_shrugging:

This is really annoying and embarrassing to me, that they don’t respond to anything about a fix for this specific crash. And why it all of a sudden just starts happening to a good amount of people in the release of the game and not the beta release. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Same thing is happening to me. Barely make it to the hero selection before it crashes.

make new windows user is work for me.

Just use the mediacreationtool and choose to keep ur files

found a solution, YES, the only way to play the game if it give you no error and crashes after 30-40 seconds is reseting your pc, i found a good debloated (optimized) version of windows to have the best fps and that support ow2, its called ggos, try to find the discord, joined it and download it

Yeah, it’s just simply Byfron (a anti-tamper protection) newly built into overwatch 2 (wasn’t in the beta nor overwatch 1) that causes this… it’s extremely trigger happy. The only reliable solution is to create new windows account… and ideally use clean windows and stuff… Good job Blizzard :slight_smile:


Omg i think it’s working for me
No more force close thx bro

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its not workin for me… tried new windows user, tried the code ‘’–tank_WorkerThreadCount 2 -thread 2’’…
nothing was helping so far :confused:

If by “clean boot” you mean using the system configuration window to disable all startup services and programs then I’ve tried that already, the only ones were nvidia services anyway and my keyboard software.
I tried playing with no programs running other than battlenet and it didnt work, and I also tried playing with everything running on the new user account and it continued to work just fine.

what exactly did u do? just created new windows account? or did u reinstall windows

I have tried it all if anyone is open for ideas. This is getting old. Game is been out for a week now. Still no update from them about fixing the issue. Just tried…


Oh there is still one thing to try, But i dont think its for many

The reason why i’m suggesting this, The layers it creates along with the one specific tweak appears to be enough to resolve it for myself and another (plus others online/not here)


Create a new admin user on windows

Use this command to play overwatch
runas /user:<YOUR_USER> "C:\Path\To\Overwatch\Overwatch.exe"
replace “<YOUR_USER>” with the new user
replace “C:\Path\To\Overwatch\Overwatch.exe” with the path to Overwatch.exe

Hope this works for you!


Next time use preformatted text </>, or use paste bin.

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this has been an issue for me since launch.

my fps was 60 but the is not smooth