[Main Thread] Overwatch 2 crashes after a couple of minutes

Omg i think it’s working for me
No more force close thx bro

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its not workin for me… tried new windows user, tried the code ‘’–tank_WorkerThreadCount 2 -thread 2’’…
nothing was helping so far :confused:

If by “clean boot” you mean using the system configuration window to disable all startup services and programs then I’ve tried that already, the only ones were nvidia services anyway and my keyboard software.
I tried playing with no programs running other than battlenet and it didnt work, and I also tried playing with everything running on the new user account and it continued to work just fine.

what exactly did u do? just created new windows account? or did u reinstall windows

I have tried it all if anyone is open for ideas. This is getting old. Game is been out for a week now. Still no update from them about fixing the issue. Just tried…


Oh there is still one thing to try, But i dont think its for many

The reason why i’m suggesting this, The layers it creates along with the one specific tweak appears to be enough to resolve it for myself and another (plus others online/not here)


Create a new admin user on windows

Use this command to play overwatch
runas /user:<YOUR_USER> "C:\Path\To\Overwatch\Overwatch.exe"
replace “<YOUR_USER>” with the new user
replace “C:\Path\To\Overwatch\Overwatch.exe” with the path to Overwatch.exe

Hope this works for you!


Next time use preformatted text </>, or use paste bin.

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this has been an issue for me since launch.

my fps was 60 but the is not smooth

the same, but this ignore on the part of blizzard is very annoying

Every day I’m huffing that copium. Every day I’m getting disappointed lul

Time to make another Windows user yet again huh…

Hey at least that works for you I just crash no matter what I do :frowning:

So after trying literally everything i could with windows, installing linux was what fixed it for me.

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I made this simple batch + powershell monstrosity to automatically create a new user and open overwatch with the newly created user
this also creates another batch script you can run to delete all the created users.
this requires admin perms ofc.

should work no problem on updated windows 10 and 11
copy the code, change game path and save as filename.bat

@echo off

set owpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Overwatch\_retail_\Overwatch.exe

for %%i in ("%owpath%") do (
set owdir=%%~di%%~pi

rem https://stackoverflow.com/a/52517718
set "params=%*"
cd /d "%~dp0" && ( if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) && fsutil dirty query %systemdrive% 1>nul 2>nul || (  echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) : UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/k cd ""%~sdp0"" && %~s0 %params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" && "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" && exit /B )

set uname=overwatch%random%%random%
echo owpath - %owpath%
echo owdir - %owdir%
echo user - %uname%

echo adding user
net user %uname% 123 /ADD >nul
echo net user %uname% /delete >>cleanup.bat
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error
echo user added

echo starting overwatch with powershell
powershell Start-Process -FilePath '%owpath%' -WorkingDirectory '%owdir%' -Credential (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential '%uname%', (ConvertTo-SecureString '123' -AsPlainText -Force))
echo done have fun :D
goto end

echo there was an error try trying again

timeout -t 2 >nul

Blizzard, you good? It has been one week+ without a fix.
Do I literally have to create another windows user every single day to be able to play without crashing? This is ridiculous.

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Works like a charm. Thank you for making this.
It’s very easy to install, but for some, it might be a challenge, hence why I made this quick guide on youtube: Overwatch 2 Fix Crashing After 1-3 Minutes - YouTube


I don’t know if is the same problem but i resolve it changing the wifi connection from 5Ghz to 2 Ghz. Maybe try that.

its funny that the community has a faster way to fix it than the blizzard TF.


These are work arounds / gamers have done this for years
– Its common and the issue appears to be kinda small vs the scale of the player base
– Not defending them at all, its buggy af.

But people applying a command line argument that they allocated for… IS NOT a fix… Its there for situations like this…
– At the end of the day a patch will be needed and at some point a particular version number will see these threads go quiet… But that might not happen as it sounds like its been around since OW1 but more commonly triggered.

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