[Main Thread] High Ping Australia - Oct 11th

I already posted my WinMTR but just as an update, I just had 7/7 competitive games on gsg1 servers with 110 ping when there are usually Sydney servers with 15. After that, I entered practice range and I’m at 180 ping, guw2 (what?) server. Next, quick play. Sydney server, first time in over 2 hours. Next quick play, gsg1 again.

This is beyond ridiculous. I understand there might be lack of capacity and whatnot but, bruh, we are in the age of cloud computing, capacity should not be an issue.

Edit: OK, I’ve read the long post above. This is not a capacity issue most likely but some server selection tool doing the wrong thing. Unfortunate that this regression should have happened on OW2 launch and add to all other problems.


going by the level of knowledge I highly doubt it was anything more than working in the call center, you’re clearly talking to someone that has worked on actual border routers

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Lol, no, I have never worked in a call center thankfully. Nothing you’ve said makes that clear or is helpful.

There’s no point checking routing tables for NZ, even with “perfect routes” you’re still traveling a massive physical distance.

You sure? Physical distance means that NZ will never have a low latency to anywhere outside of NZ or Australia, even bothering checking for latencies is looking down the wrong direction.

Aside from that stuff like not knowing that ICMP is deprioritised and depending on buffer capacity dropped by routers? That’s stuff junior techs learn.

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The thread topic is Australia, so I wasn’t speaking on NZ issues. I pointed out ICMP deprioritization already.

I guess you think pretending you know the most in this thread will resolve the issue, but constant bickering does not aid the troubleshooting process.

Edit: Clarified language to prevent further arguments.


You should direct your anger somewhere else, like towards Blizzard. They know the problem, they just don’t care. Plus… they are already too busy pretending to fix all the other problems they don’t care about. Now open your wallet up and buy skin.


What anger? I’m just calling out bs when I see it. The issue has been around since 2020 and Blizzard just closes the threads thinking it’s an issue with routing in Australia.


Look, this thread is just devolving. I belive we’ve establsihed the issue, maybe not the cause but an issue nonetheless. It’s a Blizzard problem and back and forthing with each other here, as much as some might think, won’t fix the problem.

I promise you Blizzard will lose a lot of money if this issue remains unsolved, we’re only here because we love the game and want this fixed so we can continue to enjoy it.

Edit: Thanks for the clarification.


It would be great if we could just pick the servers we want, like in Valorant (AKA the superior game)


My post directly assessed how there has been no staff response here, no underlying message. But I reworded it so there’s no further confusion or overreactions.

Going to check in with tech support once their day starts (few hours from now) to see if there’s any word on this.


So, going back to the topic. Do you have any other ideas for troubleshooting?


You could try blocking the Singapore server via firewall, but it could cause you to not connect to some matches/incur penalties, so it’s not an officially supported solution.

Edit: Fixed typo. And to reiterate, Blizzard doesn’t support blocking server IPs. Do so at your own risk of incurring penalties if you can’t connect to a match.

I see, my apologies for the misunderstanding. I’ll be honest, I’m also getting pretty heated about this for such a gameplay ruining issue with such a simple solution.

I appreciate you following up with Blizzard CS/TS, hopefully we get some kind of at least acknowledement of this issue.


Blizzard have publically gone against this in the past, unless theres been some change of heart?


They’ve said it isn’t a good idea (for the reasons I mentioned), but they can’t forbid you from configuring your own firewall. I know some Middle Eastern players do this because of language barriers.

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I see… I’ll give it a try and in the mean-time I’ll avoid competitive.


Looking back at previous threads every time this comes up Nicole manages to successfully redirect the conversation away from “that server is hundreds of kilometers away!” to “must be your routes lol”. Which then results in Blizzard locking the thread for being unable to control routing.


Blizzard doesn’t care about OCE, and George Bush doesn’t care about black people.


95% of connection issues on the forum are ISP and routing-related. I’m just following the troubleshooting protocols. If you’re not a fan, that’s not something to take up with me. That said, Oceania does have more than its fair share of server, routing, and ISP issues. I’d say the totals are likely higher than any other country or continent over the last 5 years in the forum. Most of the major issues have been the undersea cables and Telstra, but there’s been no direct word on it this time.