[Main Thread] High Ping Australia - Oct 11th

You could try blocking the Singapore server via firewall, but it could cause you to not connect to some matches/incur penalties, so it’s not an officially supported solution.

Edit: Fixed typo. And to reiterate, Blizzard doesn’t support blocking server IPs. Do so at your own risk of incurring penalties if you can’t connect to a match.

I see, my apologies for the misunderstanding. I’ll be honest, I’m also getting pretty heated about this for such a gameplay ruining issue with such a simple solution.

I appreciate you following up with Blizzard CS/TS, hopefully we get some kind of at least acknowledement of this issue.


Blizzard have publically gone against this in the past, unless theres been some change of heart?


They’ve said it isn’t a good idea (for the reasons I mentioned), but they can’t forbid you from configuring your own firewall. I know some Middle Eastern players do this because of language barriers.

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I see… I’ll give it a try and in the mean-time I’ll avoid competitive.


Looking back at previous threads every time this comes up Nicole manages to successfully redirect the conversation away from “that server is hundreds of kilometers away!” to “must be your routes lol”. Which then results in Blizzard locking the thread for being unable to control routing.


Blizzard doesn’t care about OCE, and George Bush doesn’t care about black people.


95% of connection issues on the forum are ISP and routing-related. I’m just following the troubleshooting protocols. If you’re not a fan, that’s not something to take up with me. That said, Oceania does have more than its fair share of server, routing, and ISP issues. I’d say the totals are likely higher than any other country or continent over the last 5 years in the forum. Most of the major issues have been the undersea cables and Telstra, but there’s been no direct word on it this time.

None of that matters for NZ, look how long the Cable from NZ to Singapore is: https:// www.submarinecablemap .com/country/new-zealand

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You can also see how someone in Australia not near one of the submarine cable landing points is going to have terrible latency as well.

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just want to add that this issue has been happening to me for the entire week, constantly been put in SEA servers.

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I would offer in my experience 99.99% of my games in Overwatch 1 was with 15ping and now in Overwatch 2 its 75% of my games are with 150ping. Pretty sure me and everyone else here or their ISP’s have not changed anything in the last 2 weeks to cause this issue. Logically the fault lies with Blizzard does it not? Far more likely that Blizzard has cheaped out on server bandwidth rather than issues with undersea cables or Telstra just so happening as Overwatch 2 launched. I have no issues with any other game or downloads on my 1000mbs connection.


I’m aware that distance creates additional latency.

And fair points BengbiForce.

Again, I’m on all the players’ side here. I’m not trying to blame the ISPs and routing. My responses were intended to suggest that those things could be the cause because they have been many times in the past. But with everyone so upset about this issue, any suggestion that isn’t an instant solution is taken too seriously or offensively. I’m trying to get answers on this, but I’m incredibly limited in who and what info I have access to.

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Having the same issue here from Brisbane. I thought I was just going crazy but clearly all of us in Australia are having the same issue. In 5 years I never had this problem playing Overwatch 1; I would get 30ms every single game.

The issue feels random and unpredictable. Some games you’ll get 40ms or less, others you’re stuck with 130-160ms. With the latter the game is almost unplayable in comp especially if queuing for DPS where you’re attempting to play characters like Hanzo, Soldier etc. In quickplay I just leave the game and cue for another one, but of course in comp we can’t do that.

Can we please get an acknowledgement that this is a known issue by Blizzard so that we can get a fix soon?


Don’t mind me, just adding to the noise after getting forwarded to this thread by Blizzard support. I’ll be back whenever I get angry about the ~130 ping until it’s fixed, or at least until a Blizzard official acknowledges the problem.


This is simply an OW2 issue on Blizzards side. My friends all around Australia are getting it, and it was NEVER an issue in the 6 years we played Overwatch 1. This is making the game kinda unplayable, and especially unacceptable in competitive.

We are getting SEA servers with entirely Australians on both sides. It is an Australia wide issue; across every single ISP, router, internet type etc. Blizzard need to be the ones to acknowledge this and sort this out.


I understand what you mean but, its has been an issue for a week without any acknowledgement of the issue from actual blizzard which is what pisses people off the most.
Basically: Playing from Australia? Sucks to be you…


I’ve now come to the conclusion that its a lucky dip and entirely in the hands of Blizzard.

The attempt of shifting the blame to every single ISP in Australia having periodic routing issues is a flat lie and scapegoat for an organisation too lazy to acknowledge the issue let alone resolve the issue.

Even a simple, “Yep, we are experiencing resource issues in our OCE region. We are working towards a solution by making more resources available we hope to have this fixed over the course of the next week” would suffice and keep the peace.

But no, lets take the easy out and blame someone else. Absolute pisstake.


I have found that when I play during peak Australia times I almost always get GSG, but when I am playing later at night (Perth time) when most of the Eastern states players are sleeping I always get the SYD server. I think the SYD server needs more capacity or more servers.


Same issue. Wouldn’t be a problem if they simply let us choose our own servers.