[Main Thread] Account information missing

Same thing here, all my hero’s are locked and I have no skins from overwatch 1. This really upsets me and makes me not want to even play the game because all my earned skins, sprays, voice lines, etc. are gone. If they don’t fix this issue I probably won’t be playing the game at all.


Overwatch just had me close my game for merging. Fingers crossed that I get all of my stuff back. :pleading_face:


Mines been in a merging queue for hours now, hoping it will be done by tomorrow morning, multiple restarts and sitting in endless queues lol

Good luck, hoping for the best for you. Youre braver than me. Im not touching the game client until i get some kind of definitive answer from someone, anyone, somewhere, about this issue

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Bro same like wtf? Please tell me this is a bug and that Ill gave my stuff back?

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This is one of the responses they gave on another thread.

Carelevel 0.


Same all my progression gone please Blizzard fix it

same ! played OW1 in xbox console, linked everything to my battle net acc last year, switched to pc recently and when i logged in today all my skins and hours were gone


Same here. All characters and cosmetics gone. 5+ years playing and hundreds of hours. Gone


Oh wow i didnt see that. That literally just amounts to “Hmm, sounds like a YOU problem, sucks to suck!” What a company.


What scares me is that this is now by far the biggest thread on the technical issues forum and we haven’t heard anything regarding the issue from Blizzard. Makes me think that the issue isn’t fixed easily or at all …


Now that’s just sad.

Had the same issue when I logged in today, was excited to finally play the game and then saw that everything I had worked for was gone, watchpoint pack doesn’t even work either. Played the game for years, just so it could all be wiped from my account!? Does anyone know what’s going on or any way to fix this??


This has happened to my account, no cosmetics, no levels or stats. Back to square one and has really ruined starting the new game for me.


any update on this? my account is pretty much gone except 2 contender genji skins

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Nobody anywhere has said anything for 16 or 17 hours now. The only statements have been what you probably have already seen. I will also save you the headache of starting a support ticket; they will give you the exact same statements you have already seen and ALSO unhelpfully link to an FAQ.


8 hours waiting to find that my account was completely emptied, today I refuse to play, I’m not interested anymore, I want my years of progress and good times in this game back. this sucks horribly.


Took me a full 24 hr before I could actually log in, and then everything is wiped. all the skins and characters and unlocks, and even the $20 of OW2 currency I bought from psn…


Yeah same thing happened to me I have no characters or any cosmetics


6 years of games in the trash while I had linked my account thank you blizzard