Made a Tier List for Total Mayhem

Forum 3 people if you can upload it, but i decided to make a tier list of what are the best heroes in Total Mayhem.


who cares about total mayhem lol

Alot of people, they never removed it because it is a popular gamemode in Arcade.



I get games pretty quick when it comes up as a card so I guess a lot of people.

Doom is Borderline S and A. Same as Zarya. Is Widow really that useful? Especially if enemy have Winston spaming shieleds 24/7. But other than that it seems correct


Lucio is S tier, Widow/Tracer is F tier.

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Zarya needs to be switched with Junkrat. She’s S tier and 50% of the reason an overtime can last as long as Launch release overtime.

Reaper is A to B tier cause he’s a necessary evil to deal with Winston.

Mei is low to mid tier after her nerfs. It depends who she is partnered with.

Same for Sym.

Lucio is also S all the way


pharah is C tier unless you combo her ult with grav + EMP, its one of the best ways to kill the majority of the enemy team if you can coordinate it

Pretty weird list. Brigitte is pretty garbage. She does next to no dmg and her ult has very little impact. She might stall but your never clearing the objective with her on your team. Hammond… is hard. He’s hard to kill but again does very little dmg and his ult is mostly a waste as it rarely kills anything and shield spam can clear it out.

Obviously Widow is F tier, she has no abilities worth using in TM and her ult does nothing. Sigma I would probably put in S tier with Sombra for pretty much the same reason. Both are garbage 99% of the time but when your in OT sigma’s ult is one of the easiest ways to win.

Other than those that spring out at me the rest are debatable. I know Symetra struggles due to her low dmg and fairly pointless Ultimate. But TP can help people get back faster from spawn and turret spam can help distract people. I usually like Sym for the first 4-5 minutes to run out the clock. But once things hit OT she’s pretty useless.

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S: Winston, Zarya, Doom, Mei, Lucio, Moira
A: Junk, Hog, McCree, Sigma, Dva, Lucio, Echo, Reaper
Usable: Brig, Genji, Torb, Ana, Ball, Mercy
Unusable: everyone else
Mandatory unless you like 45minute overtimes: Sombra

This is a bit… wrong.

Wrecking Ball can do okay but any half-decent Sombra (and she’s played a LOT) is going to keep him shut down and farm him for ult. He also struggles against Mei and Brig, who will stop him from grappling. Also, Winston completely renders his ultimate useless after a second when he puts down a new shield over mines. He’s definitely not S-tier.

Brig can be good, but she’s best paired with a Zarya, who can protect her with bubble so she can go ham with bash. On her own, she’s not S-tier as she can easily be burned down by the likes of Reaper, Zarya, McCree, bounced around by Junk, or disabled by Sombra, Symm.

Sigma can be good for getting a team off the payload in overtime but otherwise, his ult, shield and damage don’t warrant putting him in A-tier.

Tracer doesn’t have enough burst damage, and her ult is unreliable and usually inconsequential. She’s not A-tier.

Widow is utterly useless and should be in F-tier. Anyone picking her in TM is throwing.

While Ashe’s damage is so-so, she has a decent, fast building ult, and dynamite is good for AOE damage. She doesn’t deserve to be lower than Widow (!), Rein or Tracer.

Soldier can be fairly easily shut down (he needs to switch if there are too many shields, or a Winston) but he can be okay, he’s not F-tier. Reaper can also be a beast if he’s enabled by Zarya and there’s not an enemy Winston. Definitely not F-tier. Hanzo has an okay ult and burst damage - he’s definitely a better pick than Widow, who you have in B-tier!

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It’s actually one of the more popular modes in the game.

You have a lot of really odd placements I must say.

McCree is not S tier and neither is Junk. Junk is probably A+. Zarya is definitely S tier. Echo is S as well because she can reign down insane damage with infinite flight.
Mccree’s value significantly decreases against Winston and Zarya because of the high hp, quickly regenerating shield and two bubbles. Doomfist is S tier as well because he’s ridiculously hard to kill when there isn’t a Sombra on the field.

Mercy is A tier for the 8 second Rez alone. If you don’t have CC or your team isn’t actively focusing her, then she drains all of your resources and flips fights in a matter of seconds. Roadhog is garbage tier. He shouldn’t kill anything unless your healers are sleeping or non-existent. He’s a walking ult battery in a mode with accelerated ult charge. Widow is D tier as well due to all the available shielding and loss of the ability to one shot. Reaper is a solid B+.

I don’t think S tier was used properly lol

I mean you did put the best general heroes at the top, but S tier is typically reserved for must-picks

Moira/Zarya should be the only S-tier heroes as regardless of the circumstances, they provide high mid-fight value and have the ability to just about never die. Priceless for attackers as they usually need long overtimes to win.

Zarya’s ult also makes almost any ultimate in Total Mayhem not worthless and even can make Pharah/Roadhog extremely dangerous as their ultimates into a grav output so much raw damage that most defensive abilities can still be overwhelmed

Winston could also be argued A-tier or S-tier

I’ll personally argue he’s S-tier. Even though his damage is negligible, his ultimate is an actively bad choice if you can afford to not use it and he still kinda just feeds a lot… the barrier cuts off both damage and healing. Many supports and damage alike struggle to get value in his presence.

That means Sombra Cree Ball drop to A-tier

Torb Sigma Mei and Ana should drop to B-tier

They gain a lot from total mayhem but just aren’t competitive with the top picks nor do they synergize with any

Junk & Tracer should be in C-tier

Tracer…doesn’t die like many other heroes. Except she’s a lot harder to heal, does nothing against armor and has a crap ult. She’s awful in total mayhem and the only reason she’s not D-tier is because she can spray a single clip for almost 60% of her ult.

Junk is interesting. His trap helps him deal with annoyances like Ball, and his ult can typically guarantee a kill on various targets.

But if he’s not trapping or building his ult fast enough…he’s near useless

I can see him being effective when comboing in say like Gravitic Flux every 25 seconds

Mercy Bap & Dva should drop to C tier as well

Mercy does nothing but rez in mid-fight

It’s just not viable whatsoever in most fights where’s there’s plenty of CC. Against enemies that pay attention, she’s not going to be of any use. I would even argue Mercy as a D-tier

Baptiste is hard countered by barriers, does meaningless damage, still has a bit of length on his cooldowns, still has an awkward ult and immortality has just been nerfed beyond viability.

I don’t see why you’d ever run Bap if you could play literally any other support. He has potential but he’s shut down so fast and easily it’s not worth it.

Dva’s damage isn’t good. Again, barriers are a problem, but her mobility can ignore them. With a Sombra, I’d say she’s strong. Without one, she’s feeding way too much ult to enemies to be worth picking.

At least Hog can chain CC targets while he feeds ult charge.

Widow should be F-tier

Her mobility is outpaced by enemies and she’s lost her one shot. No one is bad in total mayhem but there’s no reason to pick her over literally any other hero.

Pharah is D tier for obvious reasons

Orisa is probably…B tier?

She’s actually not that bad, just not that great compared to Zarya/Winston

I don’t see how she scored below Reinhardt with her having grav on a short cooldown

Hanzo is B tier

Not because he’s a strong mayhemer but because his ult already charged fast and now he can just spirit arrow every 2 seconds to build the thing endlessly

Even though his ult isn’t too strong, building it fast enough can be effective for zoning and even just some damage.

Soldier is F-Tier

Dude does nothing

The only reason I’m not putting him below Widow is because helix has such a short cooldown

Reaper is C-tier

Trash damage, trash ultimate, but wraith allows a lot of contesting and his TP allows him to contest enemies that love to sit on high ground and not move

That was my opinion on the list anyway

It does not particularly matter

Sombra is his only counter, as she counters the concept of total mayhem as a whole

For anyone else, his shield spamming (that grants no ult charge) allows for insane contest

I would say Ball is A-tier as long as Sombra isn’t hard focusing him

Brigg is not S-tier at all imo

With her 75 overheal? Absolutely

Now? It’d just be best to run lucio as he can walk people off the map and grant a nice 1500 shields


I feel like it’s rough to say “if they don’t have Winston”

Winston is just as, if not more reliable than Zarya for an infinite contest. Not having a winston is kind of asking for a harder time

Sigma, Doom, and Zarya are in between S and A for me, It’s just something about them that doesn’t make them S tier, like being shut down by other heroes.

If paired with a Sombra i think she can be useful, but it’s kinda like Echo’s situation, it’s dependent on the person if she is good or not.

This list is based on who has the best stalling time or if they can immediately kill players, and i have won games from going Brigitte along with my Ana (riot police method). Brigitte is S tier for the sole fact that she has a AoE heal which can help high health targets.

I’ve found Sombra to be the least of my concerns when playing Hammond, she is very easy to force Translocator, but i can understand why, and she can’t farm ultimate off the shields.

Just depends on composition, EMP + Mines can immediately get rid of squishies, i have gotten alot of Supports down with Mines.

I don’t think i can give Ashe any higher than what she already is because BOB is very easy to get rid of with boops, and her damage is kinda meh without Dynamite.

Again like i said before, it depends on composition. The reason i put Widow in B is because of her burst damage, which can make healing irrelevant, if combo’d with a Sombra, she can usually wipe a few squishies on the other team, but that’s why i didn’t put her any higher, it depends on the person using her.

I’m sorry but Doom and Zarya are S tier in Total Mayhem

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