Lv5 endorsement is a red flag for me

Most of players I put in the avoid list are lv5. They are massively throwing, doing stupid stuff and I wonder if they just manipulating the endorsement system to get that lv5. They are often toxic as well. I see a lv5 misbehaving, I will report them pronto, and see them get banned.

And why is it lv5’s that are so bad in my matches. I got a Brig lv5 last match that WOULD NO DO ANYTHING OTHER THEN THROW A HEALTHPACK. Not getting on point, not whacking enemies to get extra heal, ONE KILL the entire match (and that might just be an accident) just existing and not doing anything noteworthy and just throwing.

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It’s really funny that it is like that. They are usually the first to blame others.


Maybe the actual owner of the account let li’l nephew play on his computer.


This is a new behaviour XD

I’m lv5 endorsement and barely even use chat aside from to say “ggs” and laugh at people who get tilted XD

From my experience, there’s not much correlation between endorsement level and toxic chat. Can come from anyone.

Honestly though I just don’t understand how it’s even possible to have that level. Sometimes I jump to level 4 then randomly get back to 3 for whatever reason. The endorsement system is really vague.

Eh, I would argue that there’s a pretty large correlation between low endorsement level (levels 0, 1 and maybe 2) and toxic chat. You don’t get endorsement level 0 without being toxic in chat, after all. :wink: But yes, it can still come from anyone.


It helps if you play support or tank. Those roles get endorsed a lot more often compared to dps. Also makes it easy to maintain it, I’ve had it for ages.

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Playing a whole bunch of QP helps. In my experience, people are more likely to endorse in QP as opposed to Comp.

idk lvl5 endorcement became much easier for me as of recent. In the past, I could never raise my endorcement level to 5 no matter how many QP or competitive games I’ve played.

But recently, my endorcement level got raised to 5 just from playing few hours of QP games. I’m pretty sure before, that wasn’t possible and the only way to reach lvl 5 endorcement was to play bunch of Arcade games. Maybe they set the bar lower or something.