You can play prop hunt on Lijang. The prop hunt was already kind of a mess in OW and Lijang seems like a worse map for it, especially if they’re keeping all the medieval theming
CTF modes as usual, but those are in the arcade pretty often anyway, and I have a feeling they’re going to be rather unplayable with mauga and reworked hog in the mix
The mercy skin is decent. She already got a good skin this season, but that won’t stop the wallets of the mercy crowd. Not sure if they’re going to have any other cosmetics
Yeah, I’m not really too excited. Was already the worst event by far in OW1, combine that with how much worse OW2’s event are and it’s just kind of nothingness
Can’t believe there’s still 2 weeks left until we get out of this dead season
i thoguth that wouldnt be till season 9 to me putiting ot wards a end of a season is odd
Maybe there will be a free skin.
From a bad season to a (potentially) even worse season. I just hope the S9 BP has a good skins + mythics and Mercy didn’t receive any cosmetics to compensate her having 2 skins in this season.
If they have a spare ugly one that nobody would purchase under normal circumstances… Probably.
The winter ones weren’t ugly.
They probably going to give away the Terracotta Medic Baptiste if we’re talking about an ugly skin from the LNY.
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Got one last event. They give freebies.
They do, it is just that the free skins are of such low quality that the vast majority of people would take every free skin they have ever given us in Overwatch 2 and accept 1900 credits so that we can get a skin we will actually use. 
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Fingers crossed for no new good skins for D.Va in the near future. Haven’t played since mid-December; haven’t had the desire to since, and it’s only disheartening hearing more and more bad news for what was once such an amazing game that I couldn’t get enough of.
Are you okay? Did you have a stroke?
3 Likes didn’t get a skin where the mech wasn’t a recolor since season 3, I feel like we’re due for one soon
And here I was thinking he was invoking Thoguth, Old One of Scuffed Spelling.
The pilot is different but the mech is just a retexture
I use the Bap one from the last event. In one event they gave free credits to get skins with. Maybe they’ll do that again.
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Mega huge difference between winter skins and LNY
If it’s a mythic, then for sure I’ll be back to playing regularly to get it. I just don’t look forward to it.