Lumin's Support Nerfs

OK, so I know we should find out soon what the actual support nerfs are going to be. Here’s what I would do if I were in the devs shoes. In some cases, I did a bit of a trade off. Let me know what you think.


  • Sleep dart duration reduced to 2 seconds on tanks
  • Biotic Grenade cooldown increased to 12 seconds
  • Biotic Grenade duration reduced to 3 seconds


  • Biotic Launcher - ammo for heal reduced to 10
  • Biotic Launcher - Damage falloff now begins at 15 meters
  • Regenerative burst no longer does extra healing if below 50% max health
  • Immortality field HP reduced to 100


  • Solar Rifle - Damage at max charge reduced to 70 per shot
  • Solar Rifle Healing - Reduced to 85 per second
  • Solar Rifle Healing - Can be fired continuously for 4 seconds
  • Solar Rifle Healing - Reload reduced to 2.5 seconds / 3 if fully depleted
  • Healing Pylon - shield health removed, replaced with normal health


  • Suzu - remove intangibility from Suzu. Doomfist punch, Rein Charge, etc no longer pass through Suzu targets
  • Suzu - AOE reduced to 4.5 meters


  • Healing Blossom precharges while using thorn volley, on weapon swap has max 75 charge ready.
  • Life Grip - healing reduced to 40hp
  • Tree of Life - Max overhealth reduced to 50
  • Tree of Life - duration reduced to 12 seconds
  • Tree of Life - ult charge increased by 10%


  • Discord orb can no longer target tanks
  • Orb of Destruction reload time reduced to 1.2 seconds
  • Orb of Harmony hps increased to 40

No Changes

  • Lucio
  • Mercy
  • Moira
  • Brigitte

I would go practise in practise mode how to play DPS or any other role. and stop complaining anyone else that i am bad at this game and demand nerfs.

I am actually playing like 3 months and this game is no that hard to learn. I think supports should be buffed, except Anna/Baptiste/Mercy.

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Why would you incrase the charge when your nerfing it? It’s already so easy to destroy.

Ouch that’s a harsh nerf, he will need something in return (probably mobility) for that or dive tanks will just end his existence more than they already do.

What I would do is only have it apply to zen and whoever he is healing and have it burst heal the ally that gets the final blow on the discorded target.

Ana changes are too much but honestly she needs to be bad for a season or two. Let other supports be number 1 for a moment. I say this as Ana player

make her disappear again in the lore and remove her for the game for 7 years

Get me whatever you took before writing this. The whole role just gets free passive immunity to an ability?

So only one second then.

Down from 3.5

This really can’t be tweaked too much without screwing up Baptiste’s cadence.

Can’t be that low.

Can’t be lowered without changing the critical damage modifier.

None of this is necessary.

This would probably mean going up to 200 or back to 175.

Can’t be done. If you don’t understand how the cleanse effect works, it is based on the immortality effect. It’s an Area Effect Wraith form.

Not happening.

Unnecessary, a 10 health reduction isn’t really impressive, either way.

Not needed.

Could be a little higher.

Absolutely not.

Not needed.

Not that easy, but it is a bit cheap to get up for an ability that shuts down a lot of ultimates and grants overhealth.

If Lucio and Brig are left relatively untouched, I will be shocked. I think the devs might be looking at their AOE healing as well as the popular problematic heroes.

I also main them and expect to be saddened by nerfs

Sound Barrier and Rally probably wouldn’t need any real changes and their healing is in pretty good shape. Brigitte’s Repairpacks might still be a bit high, but should be fine.

Only real change I can think of is Sound Barrier getting an ult charge increase.

No, 2 seconds

We got to play with a version of Bap that was reverted to 20m in the OW2 betas and it sucked. 15m’s obviously going to be even worse. I’d rather just reduce the damage per bullet down to 24, 23, or 22 (~125 DPS to ~115 DPS, IIRC) and see how that flies. He was 115 DPS at launch and it’s crept up needlessly over time.

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I’d be ok with that.

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