Lumberjack rant, just ignore

I’m honestly rather sad about the fact that Torbjörn has both of the skin concepts people wanted for Reinhardt. Many people wanted Santa Reinhardt and would’ve settled for Lumberjack Reinhardt instead because

  1. Torb already has the Santaclad skin and even though skin concepts aren’t limited to 1 hero per concept, I’m sure there would’ve been people complaining about a dupe for another hero
  2. Hitbox restrictions
  3. It’s unlikely to get fanservice skins for “unconventionally attractive” characters like Reinhardt or Roadhog

but instead, Torbjörn gets the Lumberjack skin and Rein gets a skin that looks like the conductor from The Polar Express. I mean it’s cool that he literally looks like a character out of an old, nostalgic Christmas movie, but still. Conductor Reinhardt is another skin I could’ve never dreamed of, and Santa or Lumberjack Reinhardt are literally the most obvious choices. Same goes for Reindeer Orisa or Mrs. Claus Mercy/Ana.

Overall I only really like the Junkrat and Roadhog skins, because in all honesty, they’re bomb. Penguin Mei is still cute but like I already said in another thread, it won’t overbear Honeydew for me and I’ll always go back to Honeydew after an event ends.
I’m glad Mei got a better skin than Meirry, she really deserved it in my opinion. But I don’t really get the other choices if I’m being honest.

Rein and Moira are the only characters that really needed a Winter Wonderland Legendary, and they came up with those? Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate that the art team has unique ideas and doesn’t rely on the community to feed them skin concepts, but Conductor Rein was the last thing I expected and Ice Empress Moira just looks odd. I like the concept but I personally think it just wasn’t executed the best.
I think it’s probably the purple pipes that keep ruining her skins for me but that’s just inevitable. They can’t just magically change the color of her primary fire for an event skin, it’d be confusing, and I totally get that. But from a design perspective, I don’t think it looks great next to the rest of the color palette for the skin.

However, I would’ve loved if they had given her a white nougat emote or victory pose as a nod to the first Narnia movie, because I think her skin looks a lot like the White Witch from Narnia.

To get back to the Lumberjack rant, I think Rein in a generic red checkered flannel shirt and some black pants would’ve looked really cool. When I think of Lumberjack Reinhardt, I think of Manly Dan (Wendy Corduroy’s dad) from Gravity Falls. He’s just as big and strong and I think it would’ve looked very good. Especially with an axe as huge as Manly Dan has.
It just feels like Torbjörn robbed Reinhardt of his well deserved, good looking skins. It’s literally the Pharah Lifeguard skin situation all over again and I’m upset.

I guess I’m just really disappointed in the fact that Torb got Lumberjack instead of Reinhardt, that’s all.

Also, Zen, Torbjörn, Mei, Roadhog, Junkrat and Ana all already had Winter legendaries. Like I said, I get that Mei got the penguin skin and I’m glad she got it because she really deserved it, but I just wanted to point out how 6/8 characters already had Winter skins and basically robbed other characters who didn’t have a skin already of their opportunity to get one.
I know, they don’t make skins according to who needs one the most, but rather depending on their ideas. If they get an idea for a skin and think it suits Mercy the best, they’d give Mercy the skin even though she already has 2. If they get an idea for a skin and think it suits McCree the best, they’d give it to McCree even though he also already has 2. If they get an idea for a skin and think it suits Tracer the best, they’d give it to Tracer even though she already has one. I know that.
But as someone else already mentioned in their own thread, considering how they gave characters who didn’t already have a Halloween skin during Halloween Terror, I thought the majority of characters to get a skin this Winter event wouldn’t already have one beforehand. It’s just a bit disappointing to see them making progress in terms of skins and skin choices and then backpaddeling.

I hope Sym gets a Lunar New Year legendary. Maybe Brig gets an Archives legendary, hopefully the one straight out of Reinhardt’s “Honor and Glory” cinematic. Would be nice for him to get his outfit from that as a skin, too.
I just hope they change their ways and go back to their decisions from Halloween Terror, honestly :tired_face:

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I’m not at all trying to shoot this down, in fact I see where you’re coming from…

But I see no reason why Rein can’t have these as well?

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That’s what I’m hoping for but I don’t think it’s very likely
However if they decided to give him both Santa and Lumberjack in a few years I’d probably cry of joy lmao
My frustration just comes from the concepts both I and others have been asking for being turned into an actual thing, but for a different character. I was really upset when I saw that Pharah gets a Lifeguard skin because that basically means Mercy wouldn’t get one. I already said this in a different thread, but them giving the concepts we’ve been asking for to different characters makes me feel like they’re trying to mock us. Just like they keep dangling heroes we want directly into our faces but delaying the release for like 3 years.

The truth of the universe is that what you think doesn’t matter… what happens happens, life is written to unfold the way it will and not much can change it, and the universe will die without a witness.


I personally think it’s likely we’ll get flannel Rein.

And mercy syms wanted ice queen.

I personally just hope someone nukes the planet and everything ends unexpectedly. It’s way better than having to suffer 30 years of a Zombie apocalypse or another World War. Just kill the lights while we sleep. No suffering, not even the realisation of the world ending. It’s peaceful, that’s the way I want to go.

I’d love that so much

This is assuming that existence in of itself is not suffering.

I wish they got the idea for bearded Soldier. One day, maybe they will get the idea… perhaps.

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Fixed it. Moira got the Ice Queen, Mercy just got a Snow Angel.
I don’t see a problem with Mercy getting a Snow Angel skin, since it’s literally a pun on her character.
I’d settle with a Rime skin for Sym, I think if they gave her one of those she’d probably look really badass.

Well I mean, I just want the end of existence to be peaceful. Existence itself is of course hell on earth, but we already knew that.
I’d just like to die in a peaceful and painless manner, without war, having to survive and watching my loved ones die. The whole planet suddenly exploding sounds like a good way to go, don’t you think?

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Peace can only be understood in the absence of suffering. Without darkness you have no light.

The universe exists to shock itself into awareness.

The end will be the beginning, friend. As all ends are anew.

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Oh my gosh :heart_eyes: Lumberjack Rein… GIVE IT TO ME NAO. HOTTIE.

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