Luka Doncic Top 500

This article is titled “Luka Doncic reaches top 500 ranking in Overwatch 2”

Does anyone actually believe that one of the best players in the NBA is top 500 in OW2? rofl.

Yes, I do believe it. Basketball players are notorious for gaming, quite a lot of them play video games on their downtime.

Luka has excellent gamesense on a basketball court, you don’t think that would translate a little to OW? I certainly do.

Imagine if Gordon Hayward played Overwatch where he would be at.

You ever see KD play CoD?

Dude can ball on and off the court :laughing:

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No but I should go find out though

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I actually don’t find it too surprising outside of the time commitment to get there. I think to be a Profesional athlete requires dedication not only to the sport, but for self improvement, along with other things like hand eye coordination and fast reaction times.

If they play games regularly in their spare time and are good enough to be a professional basketball player, I think the potential to be a great player would translate to video games too. It’s potential though, they would have to actively work towards it still.


Unless retired, it’s most likely boosted if they actually do own the account.

Wouldn’t surprise me too much because a professional athlete would more than likely have the right mindset and focus on self improvement instead of blaming their team like most players do.


I don’t know about that; from the videos I’ve seen of Jordan he probably blames himself and his teammates when things go wrong. Either he’s incredibly talented or that rule doesn’t apply to him.

This is what is too hard to believe. There’s no way he sits around grinding out OW2 lol. His cousin or something probably works on the OW2 team, so he endorses it. I just thought it’s funny that they would even try to sell that.

NBA players have busy lives. Not to mention, he has a fiancee and a newborn baby.

It is 100% boosted. I don’t doubt he will play a match occasionally in the top 500 on his boosted account with carry duos.

Old news, it’s been all over internet already :yawning_face:

3 days, lol.

20 char

3 days on the internet is like 3 months IRL.

Well I didn’t see anyone post about it here so :person_shrugging:

Why is everyone in these forums so negative? Dudes been playing the game for years, and he probably has the money for a lot of leisure time when he’s off. What’s so hard to believe that he made it to top 500?


Do you know how much work and dedication it takes to be one of the top players in the NBA? I’ll give you a hint, you don’t get there by grinding out top 500 in video games.

And yeah, he probably does have enough money to do whatever he wants. Which is why in his leisure time he is probably spending time doing things that cost money, or spending time with his fiancee and newborn baby. Not sitting a basement playing OW2 rofl

Make your own mind up if this is actually him. Don’t watch basketball so have no idea what he sounds like.


God damn beautifully said!

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Also playing for the Mavs I can see him having the masochist mindset to be a tank main lol.

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