Lucioball reworks disappointing from comp standpoint

Hello, I play competitive Lucioball and I’m not stoked about the new maps and rework of his kit. Competitively, the low cool down of his boop is wack. It takes punching out in most situations. It also allows less skill imo. I am asking Blizzard to remove the lucio kit rework for competitive mode.

As for the new maps, they feel clunky from a competitive standpoint. They don’t feel fun, the poles near goal are problematic. I’m sure others would supply more feedback on the two maps. I’m asking Blizzard to remove the maps from competitive game mode. I don’t like rolling the dice and hoping for the original map.

I’m surprised the overwatch team let these things hit competitive without community feedback. :see_no_evil:

I’d love for an employee to respond and give feedback on my opinions!

From a 3400 SR player.


Honestly i wouldn’t say it takes less skill now since it requires much much more strategy as of this moment, as for the maps… it opens fresh elements to play around and honestly feel quite fun. I’ve already adjusted to them and they do make it a bit hard to play, though when familiar with the enviorment it becomes much better to play with.

So i’d say we should keep it.

Maps are fine, they add more variety, boop cooldown is dumb, you almost never need to punch.

This is coming from an unranked, but I am assuming around Bronze, Lucioball player, because wow am I bad at this gamemode.