Lucio wallride and moira autolock

I see some lycio dps that arr good on that role regarding lucio should be a support with healing and supportive fire.

That exploit is possible due to wallride so it couls be nerfed like ball grappler. Yse of 4 secondd for wzllride then cooldown of 4 seconds.

For moira autolock should be removed.

Is that why his healing is 15/s?

No. You don’t pick Lucio to heal. That’s never been why you pick Lucio.

No. I’m not even gonna give you a reason because the request is too stupid to justify giving one. You know why this is stupid even if you don’t consciously realize it.

She’s never had autolock, so…I guess this one is already done?


What you propose to offset that nerf?

To remove autolock from Moira they would need first add it.


Using my magical RobotWizard powers, I will go back in time and remove it so early it never got added to the game…


Your welcome.

I don’t think being able to wall ride for over 4 seconds is an exploit.


That explains why I am confused about it… it got removed before was added, so i don’t remember it, because you have temporal powers my friend.

Now I can sleep sound again.

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The bartender says: Your kind is not welcome here.

A tachyon walk into a bar.

I should tell you my time travel joke!

to be fair, bartender jokes are a weird thing anyway.

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That’s a classic :rofl:

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Not auto lock smarty pants

Set her crosshair circle to 75%

That’s it’s hit box

You’re welcome

Love when people get mad at things they know nothing about lol.


For moira They have removed the 33% ability to lock easier targets ? You have to track the target like sym ? Maybe i have missed it.

For lucio he has the same problem that ball had before nerf. And yes he should heal. That’s why he has healing area and speed area. Not to boop and dps. Blizzard just didn’t realised that people would have use it not as intended.

No just no lucios wall riding is his life line ball has other things like extra hp shield health decnt dps whilr lucio literally just had his dps nerfed. Lucio should never go back to timed wall riding it was terrible

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Sorry your wrong hear its not moiras hit box its the enemys. moira gets separate hit boxxes for every enemy her beam is the smallest in the game its the pill hit box thats the problem

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Tell me you can’t aim without telling me you can’t aim.

Without wall ride there is no Lucio, he was guttered until they finally gave him reverse wall ride back.

If you didn’t know there are many counters to his wall ride that plant him on the ground… Maybe you should learn them if you cant aim.


Well he does both, that’s why both are available to use.
That’s why there are skill floors and skill ceilings and players that are less and more proficient with heroes than others are.

Fortunately the devs wouldn’t do something as sinister as giving wall ride a CD. You can give up on that poorly thought out idea.

They have done it before… 5 seconds wall time on like an 8 second cd… he was garbage.

He does heal - but his speed boost provides a lot more utility (especially with the DPS passive). So thats probably why you’re seeing more “dps”-like Lucios

Wallride should defs not have a cooldown - thats just absurd

Boop is SO useful in disrupting the enemy play. I spam it all the time to push the enemy together - or single one out - or deny Dva dives etc

I’m not sure where the Lucio rage comes from lol

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In the regular game or a ExC?

I don’t recall them doing that at any point during release. Maybe it’s been that long.

No, it’s insanely stupid to nerf characters just because they are not being played as you want them to be played.
What’s next? Baptiste has healing grenades so he shouldn’t dps. Remove gun?
It’s like you don’t even understand how Lucio should be played. Just stop and learn the game first

If you want to focus on DPS…then just play the DPS role. Is this really so hard for you to understand?

If you want to focus on healing, pick any support other than Lucio or Zen. Is this really so hard to understand?

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And now the team is left with 1 person effectively healing while the other 2 likely has 2. Your crippling your own team because your not good enough to use an actual DPS