Lucio ult needs adjustments

Its probably the worst support ultimate.
Zen ultimate is way way better.

So what kind of changed do you want?

I’d say just let him charge it quicker
-10 or 20% charge requirement should make it better

Right now you have it every 2-3 fights(clean 10 second fights - He’s extremely good in scrappy fights)
I think he charges his slower than Zen’s and Zen’s is more powerful

Its not that I have a preference. But I feel like it needs something done about it. It doesn’t feel that great of a ult.

longer time before the shields decay, or more shields.

i’ve also heard someone say the shields don’t decay and stay either until 6 seconds is up or they’re removed.


A lot of ultimates doesn’t feel great in the game tbh

  • Deadeye
  • Blizzard
  • Infra sight
  • Super Charger
  • Nano boost

So I’m not surprised to read that Lúcio’s ultimate is considered underwhelming as well.

But what can they do to improve it?
Decay it slower?
Faster cast animation?

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More shields based on the height of the drop could be interesting since you can stun cancel it now.

A slightly slower decay rate to make it more effective when in use.

Faster cast would be a great start. Its very possible to get stunned or even killed when activating the ultimate, compared to zen which there is nothing that will ever stop him from successfully activating the ult.

Brigs armor stays, so why shouldn’t Lucio’s at LEAST last longer, or not decay until the ult is over? I agree.

Why are you comparing them like they should do the same thing?

Heroes can still be one-shot during Zen ult.

Heroes cannot be one-shot during Lucio ult.

Make it instant like zena so it can be used to cou ter in coming bursts like it’s supposed to be and I think itd be perfect.

i really like the idea of them not decaying but staying either until removed/time is up. it makes it so it’s not brigitte’s ult but with shields instead of armor, but it still gives it some more usefulness than it does now.