Lucio speed was reverted

I dont think they will be adding it back, at least thats what a OW YouTuber said.

They added a slider that I don’t think did anything because it was an accident. They then removed it in the patch that reverted this speed nerf.

Man I wished they would’ve listen to you guys, Mercy is so underpowered right now.


it was said here that they may be adding it back in the future

Thank you for the link, it just didn’t sit right becase you said they will be reading it. I dont know if i would use it, but I’m not a pro lucio player.

They put him back to rights versus keeping him slow, and kept the new wall ride in.

It’s a true buff now versus a lateral nerf.

I guess it is objectively based on how you saw th changes, but now i think it is a buff to lucio.

Sweet. Can’t wait for the new Lucio changes.

Also,i love your name!:leaves::leaves:

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