Feel free to use this chat to mourn for our now slow frog companion. His new changes buffed soundwave, but made his movement easy mode for plebian users. Gone are the days of lightning frog. Weep with me my slow frogger poggers.
They have not decreased his speed ?
You have no idea how to play Lucio, right?
Stop throwing crap like this into the room. Hes not slow, he can jump more offen with the same Speed… If anything he is faster.
You’re a bit late to the party ,but they reverted the speed nerf that was on the PTR.
Hes faster than before am i right? They did nerf speed first day but then they buffed it back
They reverted the speed to what it was before
I wish that were right, he jumps like he has ankle weights
They reverted the speed back to what it was before the update calm down, they didn’t change his speed and they buffed him a lot.
Only if you compare him to Lucio 2.0.
How long didnt you play ow? Half a year?
Looks like some “non-plebian” users are too slow to read the patchnotes
I might be a pleb but you can bet I’m willing to fill onto lucio now. (Also he’s not even slower, they reverted that.)
Agreed ,DPS lucio-ing in QP is so much more fun now ,I get to harass snipers to no end ! and getting environmental kills seems easier now, I’d probably fill as him in comp if I played it more too (without going full DPS mode of course)
(I still boost people out of spawn ,heal and counter ults ,it’s just that I DPS and flank A LOT)
Me “I wish we had a healer :(“
Other guy “ We do it’s lucio you see him on top of the map?”
Me “He’s not even a healer he’s just fun to have around”
Lucio “Boop, yeah let’s break it down”
“Is that a pharah ?” “No ,it’s a genji” “No wait ,it’s our only healer trying to 1v1 the enemy pharah”
… You know you can still speed stack right? As well as climbing vertically. Virtually nothing has changed for me except the QOL soundwave buff.
As an easy mode plebian user, I like the new changes.
Yes they did made wallriding easier. Doesn’t mean those lucios know how to chain wallride or wall tapping to go further/faster.
There is a much popular Thread from me, check it out and show your opinion.
(And every Lucio player knows how the Overwatch team destroyed the art of lucio !)
Pretty certain Lucio joined an elite group by getting a PTR Nerf reverted, the movement nerf was removed, only buffs
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