Lucio: Season 9

So Lucio for season 9 got some buffs:

Health increased from 200 to 250.


Damage increased from 25 to 35.
Knockback increased 12%.
Movement lockout duration increased from 0.3 to 0.45 seconds

Definitely will help revitalize his boop game. But would also like to point out the nerf they slipped into the bug section:
Amp it Up now goes on cooldown if interrupted by stun during its cast time or when dying while it’s active.

Which isn’t too bad, assuming the effect stays active. Think it stops a few corner cases where you’re stunned during the amp and the cooldown resets, so you can immediately amp again.

Looking forward to sending people into environmental hazards again!

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What do they mean by “movement lockout duration” and what does it actually do?

I think that’s where you have no control over your movement. Like Doom’s old uppercut

I think this means you’ll be unable to move for longer after being booped


I’m interested in the changes to his primary fire. Is he going to be shooting faster logs like a Hanzo. Or will it just be bigger circles that are harder to dodge

So everytime lucio knocks/boops someone, they lose movement control for an entire 0.45seconds.
Add to that the extra 12% knockback distance, that’s sound really strong.

Isn’t charging Beat going to take way too long? Lucio already has a high cost ult + and it charges slow because of the speed aura.
You have the global ult charge nerf + the global self passive (generally less healing to do) + the DPS passive making unamped healing do next to nothing.

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Yea hopefully it feels strong. It’s felt awful being a Lucio since OW2 came out. Between not being able to boop tanks, so many heroes have wall climb or mobility that boop has been terrible.


Yes, it should keep people from air controlling themselves to safety after being knocked completely off the map. Lost track of the number of boops that were sure kills in 2016 that enemies can now mysteriously steer themselves back onto safe ground.


To be fair, Lucio has been dreadful for awhile. He definitely needed additional help. Why they chose to do that in the form of his cheesy boop is anyone’s guess… But I suppose Lucio players enjoy it and I prefer they make changes for the people who actually play the hero.


Calling the live version a boop is a bit much,it’s more like a gentle nudge,like what you do when you’re walking down the street and there’s someone in your way.

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Charging beat shouldn’t be too bad if you’re landing shots and boops, which has gotten a bit easier. This is the way high level players get their beat so quickly. Healing helps, but isn’t their primary ult source like us scrubs. :slight_smile:

Reddit Lucio playstyle definitely being encouraged with this patch.

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I swear to God if I exit the spawn on Ilios Well and there’s a Lucio waiting for me I’ll laugh so hard

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Everyone laughed at me on reddit when I said that I think we’re going to see a rush - lucio\moira meta. Like I don’t think people realise the impact.

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In other good news, the Lucio kill combo will still work on Widowmaker, though most other heroes are out of range:

Quad headshot 160
New Melee 40
New Boop 35
Total 235

So you can still nuke Widow staring down sights (or a clueless Tracer), but everyone else will need a bit of additional damage.

Definitely need to look for people carelessly standing on ledges. Which they might be doing since boop has barely worked for the past 4 years…

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Isn’t Bap more optimal there instead of Moira? He’s been overtuned for a while now.

Will depend on the map and team comp. Moira works really well in rush with tanks that want to melee the enemy like Ramatra or Reinhardt. Baptiste is a bit better with tanks who want to get in, but want a bit of space to shoot, like Orisa or Mauga.

Also, if there’s high ground to exploit, Baptiste can be better. With flatter maps, Moira is better because she has a better escape option.


I think I’m a team-oriented Lucio, as in I don’t often find myself in skyboxes, spawncamping, whatever, but I find myself building 2-minutes beats very regularly right now.

Ditto. I tend to reserve reddit time for when my team is struggling against a Widow or something similar. But with the season 9 changes, hunting for boops and harassing backlines might be a better way to build ult.

Fellow Frogs, is everyone else loving the biggest lucio buff patch ever?

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Yes. Also looking like Lucio will be hard meta in pro play. He’s in every composition I’ve seen so far, whether dive or rush. A few teams are streaming their scrims.

FunnyAstro versus FDGod currently.

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