Lucio players i need to have a word with you

why do you use drop the beat when we are all stuck in a grav let them burn all there ultimates

the only exception is when there is not more time to group up and push and u need to use every ultimate to try and take the point

Because sometimes your team survives the grave then, and the beat is fast as f+++ back if done right so it’s not a big loose.

Or it forces them to use more ults.
And often it’s a good trade. But you cant anticipate all outcomes. So I go with the beat and the hope that we survive it, rather the giving up Imidietly, just because of someone pressing q.


for some reason, when i do it, some players treat it as a Transendence, and they view it as though they can do anything against it.

Even when they don’t, it can save a few players and we can still win the fight or even contest a little bit longer.

But i guess its just a reaction


One of my fondest memories of Lucio is single-handedly shutting down a Grav-Tire combo.


when grav is used they are most likely going to use other ultimates it is best to save beat for a better time like if they use a genji blade where your team isn’t all trapped and probably going to die

Nope, you said it is most likely that they gonna use something else, but you don’t know it. So I use it, and sometimes it works sometimes it does not.
And Blade solo is not hard to couter, wait for the dash, boop him away and speed boost away. Problem solved. But Beat is waek against Blade too.
But in the end you cant awnser this question.

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So you don’t want me to save you from walking into Grav? Fine.

Then perish.


Because Zarya’s dropped the bass.

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At least it saves the tanks and sometimes even yourself, it really helps but you need to ult fast otherwise you will get deleted in an instant.

The only time that I don’t use it is when they have a Phara

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My favorite thing as lucio is when people are spamming “I need healing” super deep into the enemy back line, while I sit here with rein.

I guess they just can’t see the “clear and concise” circle


It really depends on the situation on whether or not it will work. But do you notice the times that it does work? I feel like people take Sound Barrier for granted a lot of the time.

His spawn line is “Come on, let’s bring it together.”

That’s his nice way of saying “Get your stupid self in the 10-meter healing circle.”


no i don’t really want you to save me

Alrighty. Then go die.

alright as long as you don’t ult i’m happy

And it’s all about that bass… no treble.

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this is like the reason you take lucio lol

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I drop the beat during grav because I’m trying to keep my team alive, unless there’s a sht ton of DPS coming my way and Sound Barrier doesn’t matter anyway. I’ll save it for the next tac visor.

no this is the reason you take zenyatta

it depends on what they are combining with the grav. a sound barrier can survive a dragon blade or a tac visor, but if there is a pharah don’t use barrier she will wreck you right through it.