Lucio New Portuguese Voice Lines

You lost SR because of what…

It seems like he speaks a lot more of his native language for his ult/abilities compared to other heroes. As an example (these are not legit stats) lets say his Portuguese lines play 50% of the time, while Mercy’s Swedish lines are only played 25% of the time. It just is a weird change, yeah it makes more sense lore wise, but you don’t really hear many other heroes frequently speaking in their native language when they use their abilities. It’s just distracting, kind of like the change in his music in his jazzy skin.

Wow people must REALLY forget Ana exists at this point huh?


You should check out the competitive forums

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Well, i missed a few genguults after he got a New skin+ultvoice and died.

That being said, i have. No idea how you loose SR cuz lucios lines changed… Except you Main sombra and missed a crucial EMP in soundbarrier.

@OP. I personally like the new lines, and i dont even speak it a tiny bit. It just sounds better. And it fits his lore, not that this matters to everyone. I like the fact that it was suggested multible times and they implemented it, they DO listen to us… Sometimes… :wink:

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I agree OP, they dont fit the hero we have had for nearly 2 years. Its a shame they didnt at least give us an option to not have the change take place, or be able to turn him back into what we have had for all this time.

Oh well.

New Lucio is Right Lucio.

It never made sense that a Brazilian native wasn’t speaking even a modicum of Portuguese. Good thing Jonny was open-minded about it and actually cares about representation along with the rest of the team.


But nerf Genji and Tracer threads ar ok?

Brigitte and Junkrat are terribly balanced

This pretty much sum up.
Jonny was amazing by trying to speak a language he can’t speak FOR US. I follow him on Instagram for more than a year and a half and I can say he’s such a lovely and friendly person!

They might not be the best voice-lines and maybe the community was expecting much more but… Is it that bad that people ask it to be removed? C’mon!


I follow him too. Jonny Cruz is like someone who managed to ascend into a higher plane of happiness and just become a literal ray of sunshine. He’s incredible, the amount of passion he has towards Lucio is incredible, and I will be damned if anyone seriously advocates stripping his contributions out of the game because they can’t play right.

I don’t care about the voice lines. Lucio needs a lot of looking at, but his voice lines are literally the last thing concerning his kit right now. Look at Soundwave, progressive incidental, unintended nerfs and general powercreep have made him the least picked healer in the game.

Then why are you in this thread???

Do you lose SR by new playable voice lines coming out? No?


Thanks for making a Brazilian sad…

I’ve been wanting for him to speak Portuguese since 2016. I finally got my wish.

Se você não gosta do português de Lúcio, não o escolha.


I’m a Lucio main, and I can assure you that our Lucio is fine and is great.
I don’t care much people don’t play him, they’re the ones losing.

The matter here is voice-lines anyway.

You should also read what I said early.
Portuguese (Portugal here). Lucio could have better voice-lines.

Mas essas já fazem o trabalho e estamos felizes para c* pelo Lucio falar português não é verdade?

Actually, I was just picking up on the flavour of the day (which appeared to be 2 different targets than the usual) - my point was that nerf threads in general are tedious to sort through, but this thread was a whole new take on the nerf requests.

Kind of ye
20 characters

They should make an option not just push down the throat, even being from brazil i refused to play in portuguese, as I consider more than half the voices lines in portuguese just disgusting or not having even a little of enthusiasm from the people paid to read what was written on the google translator (this from most games i played, not just overwatch).

Every update being a nerf for mercy isn’t enough?
Most of times it is ok, but each time that piece of “good work”(as bad words are not permitted) gets shout by an enemy lucio I think if it was worth buying the game in the first place.

He sounds like a drunk man slurring his lines. They need to make him record them again and pronounce them better or change it back.