Lucio nerf is crazy

Don’t know how they’re disguising this as ‘kit redistribution’ by giving boop a 10 dmg buff but nerfing his overall damage by 2 per bullet (4 if headshotting).

Don’t even know why they nerfed Lucio, he’s a decent pick this season (The first time since Overwatch 1), but he isn’t even the best support? Feelsbad that this balance team seems to like butchering well designed characters and making sure they stay mid while the cancer CC/no aim characters are always meta or always tried to kept viable.


I was mad with the nerf too…until I watched KarQ’s video. Apparently, lucio was farming beat a little too fast with his previous DPS. So the nerf was basically due to him being a little overtuned in high ranks.

I can understand the reason for the nerf now but I still don’t agree with it. Lucio still needs his DPS to duel hitscans in close range. And not every lucio player is playing with T500 or OWL teammates.

If his ultimate farming rate was a little too fast, they should’ve nerfed his ultimate build time directly instead. Not indirectly in the form of damage, which will make him worse in other areas.


its funny how he was fine entire lifespan of overwatch with 20 dmg bullet , now they just nerf him out of the blue for no reason

Oh ok, that makes a little sense but feelsbad because I play Lucio in Plat-Diamond and he’s still abit average. I think this nerf will probably put him on the below average tier of support for normal players :frowning:

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He is always a must pick for speed wut u mean decent pick?

I’m not sure it’s much of a nerf to be honest. Let’s say pre-patch you average 4.2k damage per 10 as Lucio. And let’s say you average 30 boops per 10. Both of those are very normal stats. Out of that 4.2k damage, 1050 would come from the 30 boops doing 35 damage each. (Slightly less due to overkill on low health people, but you can also get tons more damage by booping people off the map). That leaves 3050 remaining damage. Some of that is from melees. Let’s say you land only a melee every couple minutes. That’s 200 damage per 10. Which leaves 2850 damage per 10 from primary fire.

So how do these numbers change with this patch? Well that 2850 primary fire damage takes a 10% nerf. That’s about 285 less primary fire damage per 10. But adding 10 damage per boop would add 300 damage per 10. So it’d be virtually exactly a wash in this scenario.

In other words, I think the buff and nerf do actually cancel out. The difference is more just that Lucio gets worse at poke but better in close quarters. It affects how good he is in specific scenarios, but doesn’t necessarily nerf his overall damage.

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lucio mafia needs to step in and turn the tables with this one. Only their complaining will be powerful enough to stop the evil balance team at blizzard.

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The should have just nerfed team amp speed and gave him more ammo

thats how it felt with tracers recall cooldown nerf as well, always been 12 seconds since 2016 but they change it to 13 which ruins everyone muscle memory and gets her killed in situations where the player plays perfectly but doesnt have recall back yet