Everything about Lucio is perfect, and i’m talking from outside perspective, i don’t main Lucio or really play him a lot but i gotta say he’s literally the most enjoyable hero to play against. He’s never annoying to die to no matter the hero i play. I really don’t mind getting boop’ed out of the map to be honest. It’s hard to play Lucio correctly so i have a lot of respect for Lucio mains. Literally S tier hero.
I wish Blizzard would focus more on heroes that don’t have insane CC abilities even if i know it’s kinda necessary. But a good Lucio can easily outplay me, i feel like having heroes that have higher skill potential is what this game needs to focus on. IMO!
i don’t agree, i feel like lucio is overstacked with good stuff.
can combo kill any squishy, have an aoe boop that can potentially kill an entire team on an extremely short cooldown but it has really unlimited uses.
have the best mobility in the entire game, one of the best if not the best ult denying ults in the game.
aoe speed buff that breaks the game in several instances and why he was perma meta for such a long time in higher tier games because they knew the value of speed in an fps.
a good lucio is way more annoying than an ana that sleeps you or anti-nades you constantly as hog every game.
known fact, lucio was the best dps in alpha so they had to scale his damage down hard.
He might have a lot of utilities. You can play him in different ways, Reddit Lucio or actually healing, it’s very situational and that’s why i think he’s insanely good for what he has. He’s the most balanced hero in the game, in my opinion.
“a good lucio is way more annoying than an ana that sleeps you or anti-nades you constantly as hog every game.”
But he doesn’t stop you from playing, that’s what i love about it
he’s one of the most potentially broken heroes in the game, but that’s just it…
potentially broken.
potential, as in can be good but is probably never gonna live up to that.
And yet, tracer is in the same high skill boat, yet everybody hates on her, and asks for nerfs.
A lot of the high skill heroes are pretty balanced, except maybe widow, since a hitscan one shot in a team based game is just a bit too good. Good widow’s can consistently land those shots.
He monopolizes a mechanic, which I don’t think is a good thing, but yeah overall he’s a decent character. I don’t actually find him that enjoyable to play against–even though killing a wall-riding Lucio isn’t impossible, it is annoying, and camp frogs who wait at corners to boop you are really obnoxious. Honestly he’s probably the most annoying support to play against IMO, because unlike Brigitte who is slow and limited by range, Lucio can pretty easily overcome both those issues.
Buuut yeah, his skill curve is good and he’s a lot of fun to play and isn’t an enormous balance problem
People unfortunately equate highly annoying with OP. And she is very annoying lol.
I wouldn’t say she’s in the same boat though. Part of what makes Lucio’s design so good is that his skill floor is low enough to allow newbies to contribute, but his ceiling is so high that it allows for high skill expression. I think he fits OW’s vision of being accessible yet competitive. Tracer’s floor is much higher than Lucio’s, which is why Tracer gets barely played in lower ranks.
Yeah I agree, we have a lot stuns currently in the game which in theory should encourage long range play but almost no hero exist in this range and the ones who are, are currently not viable because of balancing…
If we look at cc you can split it to stun,boops & position messing.
I think:
brawl & chokers should be about stuns
dive & flankers should be about boops
stationary and kiters should be about messing position
That will make things clearer and would force more creativity in hero design.