Lucio buff is huge

Wallriding was something good lucios could take pride in, now it’s being ruined. All of our time getting good at it wasted, and for no apparent reason.

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Are you saying after this change you’ll be unable to wallride?

It’s gonna make it very unappealing for one thing. Visually it looks stupid, it changes how you have to play fundamentally, it’s gonna make him easier to kill. It’s a huge nerf and nobody wanted it. Its just another terrible decision by blizzard, they can’t do anything right lately it seems.

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All the pros say this’ll make him harder to kill. It doesn’t look stupid either. I can understand you being angry that your time was “wasted” because wallriding is easier now. But a lot of the points you’re trying to make seem to only have a basis in the fact that Lucio’s wallride can be picked up by others easier than what you had to deal with.

Accessibility is not a nerf. But the jump speed was. Don’t know why they nerfed that.

Wall riding was just a skill that anybody could learn if they put effort in. They are essentially gutting any of the higher skill cap aspects of the game which is retarded considering its supposed to be a competitive game with an esports scene. This game is being gutted and rebuilt for beginner casuals its disgusting.

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tbh i wonder what they have in mind for ana… giving her autoaim?

i’m worried at this point.

the game should be also balanced for casuals… that means for me that every hero is viable in ranked games. i just dont understand why they changed lucio. i didnt see any problem with him.

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No, not that I know of.

I personally love the changes. It’s a good reason for me to pick up Lúcio.

I hardly ever play Lucio, just because Moira is my go to healer. I tried him out the last few days on PTR, last night I went 19-0 with him on a 2CP map just by gluing to our Rein the entire game and making sure he stays alive, while doing my best to heal others too. Got quite a few nice sound barriers off too. My point? I hardly used wall riding at all. Now given I’m not the best Lucio out there, probably average and had a lucky game, but my point is this wall riding buff was unnecessary. Who exactly is it trying to help? I’m an average Lucio and I didn’t even use it and had a great game. I doubt the real good Lucio mains needed it either, so why did this even happen? Seems odd.

His right click buff however is very welcome.

it messes up momentum gain and feels like its forcing you to move a certain way like auto pilot

I have like 240+ hours on Lucio, and my opinion is that the new wallride is terrible.

In season 4, I managed to climb to diamond playing literally noone but Lucio.
Then you changed his playstyle considerably , changing his auras, and his speed, and I had to do a bit of practice, which was fine. But for ages, many of my teammates did not know how to play with the new Lucio. And this hurt our winrate. My SR fell quite far. I was OK with that, because the changes made sense, and were an actual improvement.

These changes, though, could take the character I am most skilled at, and kill him.

I hate the way you get pulled around corners, losing your momentum.
I hate the fact that being able to go around outside corners makes ‘basic’ wallriding easier.
I hate that the speed boost has been reduced, making some jumps impossible now.
The consistency improvements/being able to jump on the same wall? They could be nice. But I can’t tell, because wall riding in general has just become terrible and sticky.

Outside corners… just no. Take it away. We never needed that; with some skill, you could pull it off anyway, just had to time the jump right.
At the very least, you should have to crouch at the same time to go around outside corners like that, or toggle it on/off in settings. But really, I want it removed entirely.

The Soundwave ammo cost removal, I like. Mostly because you are right, being limited by both ammo AND cooldown is frustrating. So it was either no cooldown (which would be OP) or no ammo cost.

yea i gave up lucio as well after the aura changes. his healing output was not fun for me anymore. before that you could even run lucio as a solo healer on low elo. that aura nerf changed that.

i know one top500 lucio player … he said the same like you. people didnt know how to play with the new lucio as well, he dropped from top500 to high master and he stopped playing.

Arcade suggestion:
Lucio race
(with wall-ride, different obstacles… lucios can boop others off the maps…etc)