Lost Trust Level 3?

I wasn’t even aware that you could lose Trust Levels. I’m at a loss of what to say…

Here I’ve written an entire buglist with video examples;

And now I can’t even edit this post because it has links in it.

Why is this limit placed on the forums to begin with?

yeah you can lose your level 3 due to inactivity and i think trolling, spam posts and the such.

You can earn it back

An hour ago I could post links.

This is incredibly frustrating.

you have been on here pretty regularly tonight so i am not sure why you would lose it.

I don’t think flags hurt your level? but i have no idea how this system works

GM’s have no idea how this system works either…

Wait, there is trust levels on this forum?

Why would you take away privileges for inactivity? I understand punishments taking back Trust Levels, but I’ve received no notification of being actioned against.

If the Trust Level system is going to be this ridiculous, when links are such an essential feature… that I personally use to report bugs and keep lists updated, then I’m not even going to bother posting in the forums anymore. Why would I waste my time trying to regrind Level 3?

yes. Users with a level 3 trust can post images and links

i am not sure. i have lost my trust level before too. it was really simple to bring it back up

I lost mine due to inactivity. Not sure how to exactly get it back

How do you build trust? Had no idea.

You just have to be active, then it should come back again.

No one here knows the specifics of unlocking the next level, but in general… post a lot, read a lot, upvote a lot…

I got Level 3 just by scrolling through the Mercy megathread.

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Funny, I just lost mine too… Oddly enough I can still post links, just not images?
I did take a pretty long break from the forums so that’s probably it.
It was a bit jarring when I tried to fix someone’s gif link they posted and was told I can’t post images.

Well… that sounds great, except…

I haven’t stopped being active though… I literally post daily.

gfycat. com/SilentSingleBug

I often post dozens of times a day.

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Yep. When you get trust level 3 you can do stuff like this:


Yeah, so my gut is telling me that the only reason I could have lost a Trust Level is due to flagging.

Either I’ve flagged too many posts (which I almost entirely flag things that are particularly harassing or offensive), or people have flagged my posts too often because I write strong opinions.

Probably the latter, since I write controversial posts about Widow… but that’s arbitrary and dumb to lose a trust level over written opinions. A system like that is totally exploitable…

Oh, i like this gif.

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Read, posts, replies, all of the forum activities.

And yeah, don’t get silenced or banned. That took away some of your trust privilages. Like me.
I was silenced twice becaused of language (even though I masked behind **** but sometimes I messed up and write different twisted version of it, like putting aw insted of uc in ****)

Yeah don’t do that. Just play nice, read a lot and you can post Bold and Bash on the forum.

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Maybe you were suspended and you don’t know? That seems really random to lose it over when you’re active.