Lost SR and suspended from competitive without joining a game

I have a video at the bottom of it happening. I queued up for competitive but then had second thoughts and wanted to play some quick play first, so I cancelled the queue. Apparently the game thought I was in a game even though I never was. The other person in my party says that he never got put into the game either, but he got the option to rejoin and did, hence regaining his lost SR. But I was just suspended for 10 minutes and could not rejoin, and could not get my SR back. I also have a suspension for this season now which I do not believe has ever happened before. I would very much appreciate getting this reversed or whatnot if that’s even possible as I was clearly penalized for leaving a match I never joined, and I’m also reporting this bug to the OW staff because this really really sucks and I imagine it’s awful to everybody.

And edit, I notice now that you can see the chat from the game in the bottom of the screen (despite my not being in it at that moment or ever).

And to top it off i was allowed to rejoin while Sen here was not i lost 50 until i rejoined it gave me it back but he was not able to

Expected to be removed next patch!

Is there any way I can get back to where I was before? Now I have a suspension and I can get my SR back? This is clearly very unfair for my end

I’m really sorry for what happend but as far i know blizzard does not provide any SR compensation for anything and well i cannot really do anything about it. Nothing can be done about it currently but it is expected to be removed soon.

For now just be sure when going into a queue for competetive match so you’ll don’t have to cancel it

I also want to give a shoutout to https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/u/WyomingMyst-1633/activity for being a big help in this case! Has been massivley responding to most of these cases explaining everything in detail. (Might respond to this one and you’ll can ask him/her/anything and you’d get the official help.

I can confirm that XHelperZ is correct that penalties cannot be removed, even in the case of a bug like this. The good news is that it is often easy to recover a single penalty loss, by playing a few games to completion, as this will realign your skill rating to your actual hidden matchmaker rating.

Really sorry for off-topic post but i’ve sent you a friend request from my account “System” could you accept it and talk a bit? Nothing special just a bit talking. Just asking i get that you’re very busy at this given moment.