I played a couple games of competitive Overwatch tonight. In one, a person on my team left. I waited till the game told me it was safe to leave, then I left because my teammate never came back. I lost 25 SR, going from 3385 to 3360, as I expected.
I was able to immediately queue up again because I only left after the game told me it was okay to leave. The next game was a loss but I lost 48 SR, going from 3360 to 3312. I should not have lost 48 SR, I think I should have lost at most 26 SR, which is the most I’ve ever lost from a single lost game before.
I think I experienced a bug I’ve seen reported on these forums a few times: the next game after a leaver results in less SR gained or more SR lost.
I wrote to support about this but they said there’s no problem with the ranking system right now. I think what I experienced was a bug and should be looked into.
Here are other reports of this happening:
the maximum you can lose in a game is 50 SR ranks, barring penalties.
you probably got matched against a relatively easy team or did poorly by yourself and lost.
I don’t think that was the case. This is just diamond, the matchmaker was able to make two teams of comparable SR. I was playing at a normal time, early evening when there are plenty of people on.
I believe this only happens when you leave the previous game before the end. It is likely a glitch, but the workaround is to just stay until the end of the game despite what the message says. I’ve never seen anyone report it happening when they don’t leave the previous game early.
Oh I agree, I think that’s exactly what triggered it. So I know how to avoid it now, but it’s a waste of time to stay in a game until the DEFEAT screen once several teammates have left. I would like to be able to leave the game, like the game itself tells me is safe to do, and get into the next game quickly. So I hope Blizzard fixes this bug.
I had this happening to me last night, I lost 26 SR… The leaver left before first round was over, and I stayed til close to the end trying to help my team to win, but when there was 10 seconds left, I left the game
So I left like 4 minutes after the penalty time had expired and 10 seconds before the game was over and still lost SR… this should be a bug
If you leave a game it is counted as a loss. The timer is for extra penalty.
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Yes u get a loss, but it even states in the big red textbox that u will not be pennalized for leaving after 2 minutes… so yes, it was a bug
You gave up the match, you take a loss. Since you waited for the leaver time to expire, you didn’t get penalized as a leaver yourself. If you didn’t wait, you would get 50 less SR and a suspension of 10 minutes
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Yea, and as I said, I waited well over 4 minutes after the penalty time expired, and I didn´t lose 50SR, but 26SR, as if it had been a lost game
It is a lost game to anyone who leaves before the game actually ends. I don’t see where do you find there is any bug
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Chrystian: When a player has left the game, there is a BIG RED TEXTBOX in the lower left side of the screen with a 2 minute countdown… if you leave during that time you get a loss of SR, but if you wait until that dountdown is over, you don´t get a loss of SR, you just get a loss in ur statistics
I waited til that countdown was over and still lost SR… THAT IS THE BUG… or are u entirely new to Overwatch?
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You do get a loss as for any lost game
You lose a game, you lose around 25sr
You leave before the countdown ends, you lose 50sr and get suspended
You leave after the countdown ends, you don’t get penalized as a leader, you don’t lose 50sr and don’t get suspended, but it still counts as a lost game and you still lose sr. This has already been clarified the past.
From what you said this is what happened and it worked as intended
From what I understand you thought you wouldn’t get any sr loss that situation? Like in a draw?
Yes, I expected not to lose SR like the other times I have left the game after countdown ended in the last season, what is the point of that countdown otherwise? Nothing but a visual thing? Why should I lose SR if a idiot moron leaves the game to ruin the game for others?
If they don´t fix something about that, ppl who don´t like OW will soon start making a lot of accounts to ruin everyones SR by abusing that system
The point is for you to not be penalized as a leaver, so just take a loss and around 25sr instead of 50sr plus 10 minutes of suspension (if it was your first time) or more (up until a ban).
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who cares about the 10 minutes??? No freaking one… 25SR lost is 25 times worse
This issue has been ongoing for quite some time now. I track my SR via spreadsheet and I regularly see unusual SR gain/loss on the game after you leave a game that is safe to do so.
Just had it happen for the first time this season on my other account
Rialto SR 2199
Lijang Tower SR 2174 Leaver, so left after the red sign disappeared
Hollywood SR 2126 Played pretty average yet still lost 48
Had a look through last seasons spreadsheet
Blizzard World SR 2408
Kings Row SR 2383 Leaver and left after the red sign went
Havana SR 2389 Won the game for a grand total of 6 SR
Blizzard World SR2204
Junkertown SR2179 Leaver and left after the red sign went
Nepal SR2140 Lost 39 for the loss
If you guys at blizz were to track your SR every game you would notice this too. No idea why you can’t find this bug as I’ve seen a blizzard rep comment on this issue before in an old post complaining about this.