Not sure if it was actually a bug, or something, but the other day I queued into a competitive role queue match as DPS. I was gold 4 when I queued for the match. And this match was that last win I needed for my rank to update. After the game was over, the visual showed my rank at silver 4, then updated to silver 1. Maybe it’s possible that it was just a visual bug and I just dropped two divisions, but considering i won more games than I lost I’m not sure why I would drop that far.
00:35:10 (you can see I’m gold 4 when I queue for the game.) 00:43:47 (where the rank changes from silver 4 to 1) Twitch
Also happen to me same rank too gold 4 and when I ranked showed silver 4 to silver 1, I thought I just deranked but since the same happen maybe it’s a bug
This happened to me yesterday… I am plat4 on support, queue my rank up and it said i was gold 4 to gold 1… Thought it was a visual bug so restarted my game and nope…
Sounds a lot like the derank that happened at the start of season 2. I thought that was a bug but it wasn’t. They deranked everyone. This though, that’s weird
Happened to me twice … plat 5 , next one I complete cards it suddenly shows gold 5 and ranks me up to gold 1 ??
Thankfully I don’t care about rank or endorsements in OW2 as the matchmaking is so bad they have to hide peoples ranks anyway
Yea, my initial thought was, “maybe they did some random ‘softer’ reset for some reason” but this just doesn’t make any sense. lol
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Me too, happened to me 2 times. I’m always play on full party with 4 of my friends, only me got this unusual derank mid season. Firstly I was already on gold 5, then after matches it shows my rank gone up from silver 5 to silver 2. The second time i was in plat 5, after matches it shows my rank gone up from gold 5 to gold 2, meanwhile my friends rank up to further plat. This is clearly a bug.
You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Assuming your win-loss ratio is positive, you might be experiencing the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. There’s a ton of posts under my thread about players with those exact bugs if you’d like to read more about it. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. If you can, could you reupload the video of your evidence as well? Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.