Losing 60 SR for ONE loss

Can someone explain ? I just lost a single game which was pretty close on Numbani and lost 60 SR ?

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Was it straight after placement games? In that case you’ll earn or lose a large amount of SR for a bunch of games.
I have no clue what it could be otherwise :confused:

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But why tho ? To rearrange you cause you lost or won a single game ?

I guess it is to speed up the process of getting you to your right SR. I don’t know how it works really, and how many games it takes before it’ll start to behave normally.
Hopefully you’ll grab a bunch of wins during this initiation process, to get dat sweet SR boost

First few games on a new account will grant or take a significant amount more of SR than normal so it can get you close to your true rank as soon as possible. It should stabilize after playing a couple more matches.

In order to match your SR closer to your MMR each win/lose gives more SR after placements, on a completly new account doing it’s first placements it can go 100 SR in either direction I think.