Sombra is great when she is played, but frankly would you want to see her every single match?
Can Junkrat become meta for a little while? …please?
My boi needs some love.
I know the problem is most likely because of production changes due to Covid-19, but part of me wonders whether there would be less problems if this was still streamed on Twitch.
The production team would be the same, just the platform would be different.
Not really, because basically they will be set up to have every video feed be sent to the controlling production manager which then streams to YouTube. If there was a YouTube streaming problem the overall channel would have gone offline. It was streaming the whole time in that breakdown.
Idk remember Season 1 when he was Meta for one stage and Jake dragged Houston to Stage playoffs?
I didn’t like it and can’t imagine how overbuffed he had to be to became META.
Not really. It’s more because her EMP is like Blizzard. It’s way too game changing on the pro level. It’s basically an ‘I win’ ult.
Exactly all is about farming one ult, so almost nothing is happening till they farm EMP and the win one fight and the same again…
Unfortunately…I wasn’t around Season 1. I didn’t get into OWL till Season 2.
Heck, I didn’t even get into Overwatch till the first Uprising event. It took a while to get really invested as a whole.
I must say that Season 1 was the best. And the Junk even though he requires skill was kinda cheap (especially the ult)
I think it was once he got the double mine and start flying around map and spamed everyone to hell
Wasn’t his projectiles bigger when the game came out? Cause I keep hearing people say “revert the size back” when it comes to buffing Junkrat.
Yeah he was much stronger, dealt more dmg, projectiles were bigger and had more bounce so his spam was like 2x worst then it’s now.
Tire was faster as well (at least as far as I remember)
Oh. Well that sounds obnoxious.
I love my boi Junkrat, but that sounds really annoying to deal with.
So High Noon/Flux.
Sky Noon
Space Cowboy
High Moon
I like Starshooter! High Moon is a good second tho!
Wow. Like Custa said in the preshow, it was an easy game.
To the other team, but still.
Seoul Ez
My internet went out. Is it over?
Yeah , I would love so everyone is playable in pro matches but someone should just never became META.
But if you want to check how strong he was I recommend Huston vs NYXL (stage 1 or 2 dunno it’s long time ago) Jake just shred everyone with spam