Los Angeles Gladiators vs. Paris Eternal - WATCHPOINT NOW LIVE

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Paris Eternal: “Hold my champagne, I got this.”

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Sacré Bleu!

:roll_eyes: the problem with 33 summed up in that round.

I see no problems here. Paris won.

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roar has been… pretty bad the games hes played

i feel like Danye in Paris Eternal is in the same situation that Krychowiak was in Paris St.Germain

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Same for Shadowburn, press F to pay respect


Team Poland did a great job making Danye look great in the world cup. He might just be their off meta guy in case the meta shifts.

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Shadowburned again. F

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Look how much easier the fights are when Roar stays alive.

I still want to see LHCloudy as well, personally I’d say he’s better than BenBest.


i constantly forget shadowburn is in the league because we never see him. like whats the point of signing him if he never plays?


Glads wanted to wait for overtime spawns and lost Goose…

The Meka Base Special?

Trip DPS time! Poggers

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finally omg

Which team’s D.Va has been eating more gravs?

2-2 at the moment I think, haven’t seen any this map

Make that 3-2 Gladiators, Void is a hungry boi

wow, soon gravs are terrible\

they should pick junkrat, push from that backdood on left and JR should rain death from that wall on the right flank