Los Angeles Gladiators vs. Paris Eternal - WATCHPOINT NOW LIVE

The last contribution to pro Overwatch of the former CIS Hope roster, I’m honestly so glad to see the EU side paying tribute to EU Contenders

Mei superior pick to reaper. Mainly because mei is pretty much an off tank.

I’m a big Surefour fan, but EU are the GOATS Kings, so they probably have this.

void just got sent flying off the map as baby dva lol

I think we got a good one boys and girls

After Map 1


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This already looks juicy

I like the announcer’s goat pin lmfao

There are currently 20 teams in the Overwatch league but the schedule plays seven matches in each stage for a total of 28 matches. As such each team will play against 8 team twice this season. I believe any second matches will be against division opponents (which Dallas and Shanghai are in the same division).

Monte is a wrestling heel that likes making Reddit angry.

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monte made me angry, thats for sure

Ah thanks, interesting.

What the heck is Paris even doing, Roar was on the ground, and they do not follow through with that? So bad…

This match is so brawly it feels like I’m watching a Philly match

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how did paris start out so well on nepal but then dropped the next two maps and are barely surviving on numbani?

It seems like Paris are just isolating R0ar. He was Glads’ carry on Nepal, so they don’t want to give him the opportunity now

Paris has bad ult economy by the looks of it.

After Map 2


WATCH LIVE: TwitchOverwatch LeagueMLGESPN3

LA summing that first half up best:

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Nothing but respect for the true scholar Oracle Bren. EU knows. Viva la SNOATS!

Junkrat on Anubis defence?! What year is this again?