Lore Discussion- Is Sombra Bisexual?

Wait … i am just discussing about what the skinn colours mean… i was not toxic at all…
But i am uesed to get called a troll… so no problem…
I was just hoping ther will be a hero that supports good ol’ Wilhelm


You worded it extremely badly…

I’m just suggesting, not saying. It’s a theory… speculation. Don’t ruin it.

I am sorry , but i am not a native english speaker.
And i add the …
becours i like it.

It’s cool. I reacted strongly too, so sorry

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Ah no problem…
I am okay with it.
Have a nice day…

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Sombra is not bisexual. She’s lesbian. Like, hello? Have you seen her Talon skin? 60% lesbians have pixie hairstyles.


Retractable fingernails. Obviously.


We don’t know that yet haha

In my Sims 4 recreation of the OW cast, Sombra is getting it on with Reaper. Widowmaker has the jealous trait and she’s absolutely furious. :joy: Reaper don’t mind though, he loves a good fight.


I didn’t mean that she’s definitely bi because of her colors, I meant it could be a cool tie-in :slight_smile:

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According to some videos I saw on a questionable page, YES


Oh my, that’s certainly a new scenario :joy:

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Jesus. People make stuff out of nothing.


It’s just friendly discussion, and I remind you the base of the game is diversity and its certainly not against the rules to speculate.

So I don’t want to sound like the nasty person here…but does it really matter what a characters sexual orientation is? Does it make any difference to the game? Regarding Lore, what possible lore would it add? Tracer was announced as being in a same sex relationship and they did it in a very nice way - by not making it a big deal.

So many posts seem to focus so much on a characters sexual orientation as if it matter. It doesn’t matter.

And before I get any homophobic comments, me (a female) and my girlfriend have been together for 6 years. No one cares if i’m bisexual, what they care about is my personality. If you’re trying to make a character more likeable based on sexual orientation, that in itself is - to a point - phobic. :confused:


It’s just a lore discussion, you don’t have to participate if you don’t want to :joy:

Is this a joke? Like, seriously?


I see what you mean! I think a lot of it is to help those going through that struggle with sexuality, to try and normalize it! And congrats on 6 years, that’s exciting!

Haven’t yall read comics, she hangs out with McCree and has some fine interactions with him

I don’t really think they’re quality match for longer relationship but Sombra seems like kind of chick that doesn’t get into relationships but occasionally gets one night stands

Soooo I wouldn’t be surprised if there was something after hanging out in bar with drunk McCree


Nope! It doesn’t matter one bit in the slightest. :slight_smile: It’s completely and utterly irrelevant, it’s not an issue that needs to be pushed or forced onto anyone. It just is what it is. If we can all have a big old laugh without taking things to a political place then this whole thing succeeds. It fails when people start being serious, making it an issue and trying to force things.

Sombra might be a lot of things. It doesn’t matter, it’s just fiction after all.

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