I’m a big fan of the lore, I can give you several suggestions of who we could / should have:
- Emre Sarioglu: mentioned recently by Sojourn in Havana, and mentioned several times in the past for Operation White Dome;
- Mirembe: another Overwatch agent mentioned and SEEN countless times in the lore and art. Same for Kimiko;
- A real new support villain hero. Moira has been the only support villain in the game for too long;
- I personally think it’s time to have a hero who sincerely wants to enforce the Petras Act. I understand that the world is crying out for Overwatch to return, but I find it ridiculous not to see at least one character who firmly believes that Overwatch should not return without being part of the villains. I initially thought this role would be Pharah or Zarya, but after New Blood… now we really need a hero of this type.
- An Italian hero. Maybe the replacement for Vialli who died in Masquerade. After all, Vialli was replacing Antonio for Talon’s business in Italy, right? I don’t think it’s any mystery that Colosseo is hiding potential new heroes.
- An omnic. Or rather, multiple omnic heroes. It’s also fine if they are STANDARD MODELS of omnics like Zenyatta, but with their own personality. It would better reflect the world of Overwatch based on cultures and backgrounds rather than just in “omnic models”.
- a Gwishin hero. Maybe more like a “creature”, but definitely an interesting robotic concept to explore.
- It’s strange to note but… there is no one representing the Hashimotos. Many people are (rightly) busy complaining about Kiriko’s biographical inconsistency, but when you think about it, there is no specific “Hashimoto” hero to fight;
- maybe with the latest Wrecking ball online short story and the release of Juno we could see someone representing Lucheng Interstellar. I doubt it could be Dr. Chao but… some of her students?
Some special mentions from the book Declassified (if you haven’t read it, I’ll put it under spoilers:
Wildebeest and sounquack were mentioned in the book, but also Hivemind as a villain. I also did a topic on the technologies mentioned in Declassified, if you’re interested;
Or maybe even heroes interested in the other God Programs. Anubis wasn’t the only one, and the new lore mentions Los Murtos being interested in reactivating Xibalba in Mexico, a lore that’s never been mentioned in Shadow… but maybe useful for someone else.
Yep: Frankie, from the novel Deadlock Rebels. And we know she’s still active in the gang (Ashe’s short story in Heroes Ascendant);
I never found maximillien suitable as a “hero”, he seems more similar to a “civilian”, like Iggy and Efi Oladele. However, it would be interesting to include more stylish omnics, perhaps like Leonora Botruvio (visible at the Rialto museum). or Luna (cabaret Luna) that in the lore designed for Paris there was supposed to be a civil revolution underway for the rights of the omnics (but I don’t know if with invasion this plot has been overwritten)