Lootboxes were better, the game felt more rewarding

Original Overwatch was really good, But the things that made it better were lootboxes. Not because i wanted to spend money to get loot, But because with every level up i would get one. It made everyone play more because they knew they would get a free reward that could give them something they wanted… the battle pass system is just bad… Yeah i know, they made the game free so they need to get some money off of it, but i don’t see a problem with the BP system and lootbox system being combined. I really hope they’ll bring it back, it was fun.


Battlepass + Lootboxes + always have the option to buy everything up at once at the start of each season for a steep price. Whales will gobble it up as they always do, Blizzard will get lots of their money, and everyone gets rewarded—just the spenders before others, so it’s still a wealth-tiered playerbase, but the result becomes a game that’s more tolerable for the majority, all while encouraging players to play it for the rewarding feeling again.


You know you have screwed up big time when you make the lootboxes look good.


For me, I liked lootboxes cause they made me have everything in the game and between each event I was gaining more gold. I ended Ow1 with every skin and about 130k credits.

But, they are never coming back. They are classified as gambling and banned in two countries, and last I heard there was more countries thinking of doing the same. I doubt any company will think about doing them again and then having to deal with making a second system for the countries that have banned lootboxes.


One observation I saw a lot of was that loot boxes preyed on a specific subset of people while the new monetization preys on everyone.

In many ways the loot boxes were less obnoxious - they worked great for me , I got almost all the OW1 cosmetics and never bought a single one - but they were not so great for people with gambling issues or people who just had to have a specific skin.


blame the groups who considered lootboxes gambling those groups and add in aaron keller destroyed things and this damage i feel like is permanent like im nto realyl having fun this season at all


Ideally there would be neither and you can unlock everything the game has to offer by playing it without it ever becoming unobtainable.


I also wouldn’t leave any games because I wanted XP to level up for the loot box.


Thank companies like EA for getting loot boxes on the crap list.

Now we’re stuck with something worse


it wasnt EA actually some anti gambling groups made stupid claims which pushed them to get rid of lootboxes

lol no sht the free stuff gonna “felt better”


Lootboxes were an elegant weapon, for a more civilized age.

They will never come back for OW, unfortunately.


lootboxes were only percieved as good if you already had most everything in the game, that way when an event rolled around you would mainly just get the new event items

lootboxes were terrible for new players though, youd pretty much get just old cosmetics, when you probably got on to get the new ones you saw advertised

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I know, I keep saying that.

Then they added them for arcade wins, then they added them for a game with a role in QP. You were getting lootboxes all the time. They were all dupes of blues? Who cares? You get credits for that. You literally could not lose with those.

I know, right? I fully expected this “progression” to be something more rewarding. Credits for level ups, OW1 and other basic cosmetics for the character you play, maybe even a lootbox every 25 levels or so, but nope. Just some titles and numbers going up to make you think you get something.

I said it before and I’ll say it again, I’ve felt more engaged from the daily lootbox in QP and then 25 credits each game after. Get the box and I’d be like: “Maybe one more for the extra moneyz”, then I’d be like: “Ah, close to level up, so why not?”. Here you do the weekly challenges and there’s nothing to keep you here after. Oh what, daily challenges for some miniscule battle pass progress? No thanks, weeklies give much more. And once you’re done with the BP and get to the “prestige”, it’s the absolute bare minimum so you can’t say it’s nothing.

The actual problem people had with them was that you could buy them. I can promise you, if the game handed out as many lootboxes as did right before OW2 happened from the very start, no one would have ever complained about “gambling”. You have pretty much three stores (the default one, “mythic” and OWL), so not much reason to have them back. Just make them not drop anything that isn’t unlockable with credits and you’re good to go.


Here come all the “gambling is bad” people acting like you had no choice but to purchase them.


They are not wrong though. Gambling is an addiction which is why there are anti-gambling laws. Some people can handle it and some cant.

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Well, too late to say this, everyone asked for battlepass in the past (whatever the reason), now we have this, we can only ask for better prices.

While I agree, legally loot boxes aren’t coming back. Gold coins for all roles or least played role, however, could still fix quite a few things.

They looked good for a very long time after some iteration during the first year or so of OW.

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You can easily point out how much a shill is when they push hard for $20 per skin. You would never have to pay that much back the unless it’s the esports or Blizzcon scams.

For a “free to play” game someone should add up how much all the new FOMO Overwatch content would cost in total and tell us how much of a good thing that is for us. Your 0 cent job at Blizzard sure won’t be able to afford it.

We went from earning lootboxes to paying a $10 entry fee each time for anything new.