the store wouldn’t even have to change. keep the store exactly how it is. rotation and all. same with the just for you section. grind battle pass or pay money to just get that specific skin right away.
maybe don’t sell the lootboxes with real monies to increase engagement. or sell em if you want, idk, they’re your lootboxes.
give free base lootboxes as a reward for completing every 5 or 10 levels of the battle pass. maybe even every 20 levels in the prestige track.
make event lootboxes only earnable from the events. and like above, can even come out with an event skin to have people either grind the event or pay money to get the specific skin right away.
they’re legendary skins right? they don’t kind of make sense right now, the rarity that is. unless legendary means it won’t come back for another year or something which is silly because then you just lose out on any potential sales because you can’t even buy it if it leaves the store rotation
duplicates? same as before but legacy credits now. increase legendary skin cost from 3k legacy (for newly released skins, items) to something like 50k. inflation or something. next year, drop it down to 25k. or don’t, whatever.
this is coming up for season 3 and this was last year
last year lunar
tldr: pretty much increase legacy coin cost on everything, bring back the lootbox system, keep the entire current store the same.
They want people to spend money. If they add boxes those will be all paid or with impossible chances.
Either way it is going to suck.
We’d all love this to happen. Really.
Except Blizzard.
The Battlepass is all the evidence you need.
They don’t want us getting ANYTHING for free. The 60 coins for weekly challenges is all the evidence you need.
Literally impossible to play free-to-play unless you want 1 BP per 2 seasons, and to do that, you’d need to complete EVERY SINGLE WEEKLY CHALLENGE EVERY WEEK, for 2 ENTIRE SEASONS.
The writing is sadly on the wall.
It’s pay up or gtfo.
I love this game, I really do, even in the sheet state it’s in now. I have no other shooter I want to play.
But I’m not buying ludicrously overpriced skins. And I can still can’t justify buying a Battle Pass, it’s just furthering this supercrap monetisation. I will have no part of it.
Now, If I’d had the option to BUY OW2 for £30, $40 whatever. I would have paid that entry fee, I know I would have. Even if later I may have regretted it because the game was shash. I would already have paid though.
At the moment I haven’t spent a penny.
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Fortnite has the best shop and battle pass around, as far as I’m aware.
I do Microsoft Rewards and earn about $25 per month to spend in the Xbox ecosystem. You know where I will never spend any of my extra money?
inb4 “They have to make money somehow”.
Yeah but the thing is, they can still leave all the monetization methods they currently have, in the game, and still give us loot boxes. They probably would sell even more stuff from the shop from people who are looking for specific things. This was what a lot of people talked about on the old Overwatch forums and wanted in OW1. A store alongside the loot boxes for when the loot boxes aren’t dropping what you want and you can just outright buy it instead.
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There’s no reason loot boxes can’t still be in the game. Just make it so that they can’t be purchased with real money.
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