Looks like Lucio's finally a D-tier hero

Was this the plan?

On the positive side - at least he’s not at Bastion/Mei/Sombra levels of uselessness. (Lucio - 2.5% meta share, next lowest is Ana at 3.8%) Ironically - when Mei and Sombra were changed a couple months ago you said they’d each have improved effectiveness against Lucio. Oops.

He used to be the healthiest hero in Overwatch but now he’s been pushed down into D-tier. Remember how aggravating it was to play against Lucio? I’m joking. He was never particularly aggravating for anyone except maybe people who play Roadhog on Illios. Most of the time he’s been about as menacing as a Magikarp. “Lucio splashes around. It was ineffective.”

I feel like the game is plagued with casual-friendly healers. I especially hate how Brigitte has turned every match at most ranks into a game of “you better have better positioning than this bot of a hero or she will delete you from existence.” To be fair it’s sort of amazing how you made Brigitte feel both too weak and boring to play as, but at the same time feel too strong and punishing to play against. That’s some trick. I don’t understand it.

Not that anyone else cares about QP but QP in particular feels like a horror show. You know what people like to play in QP right? It’s a hellscape of Lucio counters. Sombra and Mei both get more play than any tank. If there is a shield tank it’ll be an Orisa who uses halt in Lucio’s direction every single time, and then there’s usually a Moira in every round who acts like she has a personal vendetta against people with rollerblades. The death cam frequently shows her ignoring her weakened teammates in her bloodlust to murder me. I guess she’s not playing properly but I’d rather just not get murdered. I have this dream that someday I’ll be good enough at aiming my slow green marshmallows to consistently outdamage Moira players, but until that magic day comes it’s just a matter of how valiantly I fought.

But based on how these new supports have been designed, I’m even worried about what you guys might think of to “fix” Lucio. Your last “improvement” - the easy wall ride - only made him feel stupid. You automated things I used to have to work for. Not an improvement. Now I’m worried that you’re going to give him homing bullets or some crap like that.

Please don’t misunderstand your Lucio players. You have an audience of support players who don’t want simple aiming and simple movement. I’m here for the joy of the challenge. Please don’t take it away. I need the challenge, I just want it to feel fair. It’s depressing when I see how even the best Lucios are giving up on him. It makes me feel like there isn’t a light at the end of the tunnel anymore. If the only reward for all of my work is to be told that I need to switch to a different healer by a higher ranked teammate, then that’s not going to work for me. I can’t play Zen every round.

I ask you to give me faster projectile speed please. Shrink the size if you must. Otherwise - please stop dumbing down his mechanics. He can’t be just a change of pace for Moira/Mercy/Brigitte players. I don’t know what those people want but I’m pretty confident that the people who play those supports are not looking for the same experience that Lucio/Zen/Ana players are looking for. If you make Lucio (and Zen and Ana btw…) play more like the no-aim supports you won’t have happier support players. You’ll just have less of them.


No issue with the new Wall Riding, still able to fly across the map if you know the paths. Also makes it a tad easier to attack while riding along side walls. But as you sad, his projectiles are pretty slow moving.

However due to his healing potential, I inly really use him now on Boop maps. I love environment kills.


Dont knock the new wallride, its twice as fun.


unfortunately the dev team has started a power creep direction with the last couple of heroes… I would imagine if they keep on this path many of the original characters will soon find themselves in useless tiers. (if they aren’t already there)


His ult sucks quite frankly. With an ult that is meant to block burst damage it takes much too long to apply and it’s only 500 health that starts fading immediately. How is that supposed to stop anything?


I feel ya.
I still have great fun with Lucio, but i also know that every match i play i would be better of just picking moira, Brig or Zen (obviously depending on enemy teamcomp)
There is not a single match besides Illios or the Temple in Nepal where a Lucio is the best choice… and even then his boop is so bad at punishing people you could also pick hog, Brig, Phara or Orisa to get the enviromentals you want.

And then there is the massive ammount of snipers as damagedealer.
Especially hanzo- i can never hear when he is shooting at me… with widow you atleast get a loud notification that someone is aiming for your head and they are vulnerable enough to dive them.

The Meta does not favor him, but i think speedboosting slower targets is important so he should have a good place here.

Slightly faster projectiles and a bit more heal/less cooldown on amp it up+ a tiny buff in the force boop applies.

No big numbers, and i could live with his weapon how it is now, just his heal and boop feel lackluster.
(His selfheal should stay how it is thought, he already is annoying enough to kill for people that don´t lock onto him or OHK him.

Yesterday i was in a match where i had a real good flow with my wallrides.
I booped people down the well, killed pharah in the air and made Orisas live hell by booping her around every time she didnt expect it followed by a good ammount of headshots. I had to work had for it because they started to focus me.

After the match they just insultet me that wallride is too easy now.
Hold spacebar to win.
I never hold my spacebar longer than half a second during the whole match… it was disheartening…
before the changes, my enemies used to compliment something like that.
now thanks to the forums/other media too many people think his wallride is EZ af.
They don´t even know how his wallride works but want to tell me how bad i am for playing a noobhero.

He just needs numberadjustments, i would absolutly hate any significant change in his mechanics again.
He can get pretty much anything to get more viable again- his whole kit got powerecreeped down and i hope people don´t think he is fine just because he got his buff recently.
A buff that made him arguably more fun to play but didnt change his impact at all for experienced Lucioplayers.

He needs something that has impact.

His big bonus is that, atleast for me, he is fun to play against.
If he kills you, you deserved it… if you kill him it feels good.
He is no sombra where a single 10% buff could buff him into places where everyone would complain about him… you could buff his heal by 20% without making him a mustpick.


Not everyone can always be high tier.
He had his spotlight.

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The 30m to 10m aura radius killed him for me really. They didn’t even bother to go the middle ground at 20 or even 15m.


Yeah but actually he simply has no use. His auras are too small. His ult is useless. And seriously, I don’t want to run faster to the ennemies… c_ c.

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His aura wasn’t too small a few months back. Nobody complained

His auras were too small since they got nerfed. His pickrate fell down at this exact moment…


Not exactly new. He’s been kinda eh pickrate-wise ever since Mercy 2.0.

He wasn’t used before her rework, like Ana. They both got hard nerfed, they both stoped being used. Stop using Mercy as an excuse for absolutly anything. What a meme srsly…


This is not true at all. Rein is the most popular tank in QP and gets way more playtime than Sombra or Mei, who were one of the least played heroes overall.

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Before the rework but after Lucio’s rework, Lucio+Zen was the meta healer duo used in dive. Lucio’s pickrate fell drastically when Junkrat got buffed and both D.Va and Mercy got reworked. Junkrat buff and D.Va rework meant that there is so much more damage being thrown around, which Lucio’s healing can barely do anything about, and Mercy’s rework made her overall OP, so she replaced Lucio (since discord and trans are very valuable, meaning that Zen has to stay) especially since her healing is actually useful against the high damage being dealt + the damage boost on Junkrat made him more effective against the enemy Mercy’s healing.


isn’t useless in matchmaking

Well Mercy got nerfed 8 times and Lucio is still bad today.

His healing aura and hps are way too small to be usefull… DPS and even tanks does so much damages it has no use…

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He has a very small clip as well. They could at least allow him to charge his weapon like Zen. This would make Lucio more of an offensive healer. Mercy, at least for me performs better damage with her pistol than Lucio with his gun.

Other than environmental kills from boops. I think Lucio needs a little love on his weapon. The ability to charge his weapon for a large sound wave hit or a larger size clip.

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And it’s because his hps is so low that he has a low pickrate, since before the D.Va rework, 4-second DM heavily reduced the amount of damage being thrown around, so Lucio’s healing was enough in addition to Zen’s. But after the rework, his healing is no longer enough, hence why he’s generally only played with Moira in quad-tank, since her healing is so high that it can cover for his low hps and allows him to provide more utility.

Honestly Lucio needs some help in some way. Problem is, most people on the forums aren’t gonna admit it until he reaches Doomfist or Sym levels of bad. Like I’m not asking for him to a must pick, just an acceptable one.