Looks like a slight nerf to Brig's shield bash (cone)

Kind of.

Blizzard tend to nerf op dps in weeks but let op supports go on for months.

But it’s not that big a deal.

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And then there’s Genji, who just saw his first nerf in over 2 years (really more of a fix than a nerf).

That’s irrelevant to the point. Genji has not been op for the past 2 years.

OP dps gets nerfed in weeks.

That’s a matter of opinion that I think we’re just going to have to disagree on.

I’d be intrigued to hear some examples of that. I think Sombra is probably the most recent example but no other ones come to mind.

Except when they knocked off an entire 1 point of damage from Soldier’s pulse rifle.

I’m not talking about opinion. Statistically he isn’t.

Widow and McCree nerfed in less than a month.
McSniper nerfed in 7 days
Bastion nerfed in 3 days or so
And Sombra with Hack 2.0

Well, again, I have my own opinion on the matter.

All of which were 100% justifiable nerfs that benefited the game greatly.

Is it based on logic and facts or how you feel?

Not saying those nerfs weren’t justified. Nerfing Ana and Mercy was also justified.

The point is op dps gets nerfed in weeks. Supports take months.

Blizzard just nerfed him.

Blizzard don’t nerf heroes that they think aren’t overpowered in some way. Your “statistics” be damned.

hit box did need a a nerf but

is it smaller than her shield now?
saw someone saying that in this post

That’s begging the question.

But Genji’s nerf isn’t the main point anyway. We were talking about the double standard of how Blizzard treats dps and supports weren’t we?

We were indeed. Your argument was DPS heroes are nerfed far more quickly than Support heroes. My argument was Genji just got his first nerf in over 2 years.

Let’s start from there.

You justs said “Ghost Tit” in German lmao

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Tracer is until bêta start when players are asking nerf.

Sure, even if I were to throw you a bone and for argument’s sake agree that genji has been op and was only nerfed after 2 years, he would just be the exception.

What double standard do you think there is?

I wanted this nerf but not like this. Why is it so difficult to adjust the hitbox to the actual modelsize? What is this, seriously? First they give us Deflect which is borderline oversized and now this shieldbash. I can’t understand that. How can that happen so often?

i’m seriously wondering the same… why is it so hard to make the hitbox of her shield be the size of the… you know… actual shield? is there something preventing the hitbox to be pixel perfect?
Why wasn’t it the case from the start? why was the hitbox way bigger and now its smaller?

alright alright

lying to bash genji i like it