Looking to Start a Team

I am a Silver Comp tank looking to form a group that meets a few times a week to play Comp. The goal is to get out of Silver and climb as high as we can. You must play your main role and we will practice in QP to build synergy. If interested, leave a note here or add me on Battlenet at Ironfox#1698. Currently looking for two solid DPS and we are full.

Role: Main Tank: Ironfox
Off Tank: Adawg
Main Healer: JHUniv
Off Heal: SameSame

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Hello, I’m Adawg#11675. I am currently a tank in silver, and I’m pretty decent at the off-tank role. I’m interested in joining because without a team I can’t get anywhere.
I added you on blizzard :slight_smile:

Hey dude I need a good team to climb with I main dps but I flex thru all roles I’ll add you on overwatch maybe we can duo or trio

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What is your Battletag?

I would be really interested in joining as support. Ana/Bap most are my most comfortable.

Feel free to add me to your battlenet (Ironfox#1698).

Anyone can feel free to add me as well (samesame#11215)

Folks, Something came up and I don’t have time for this anymore so I am closing the group. Good Luck.

My husband and I are looking for a competent group to play comp with. We can fill any spots needed. Lupa1214#11197 if any of you are still interested.

If any of the people want into a competitive team you can PM me in Discord <3UwU

I would love to be apart of your team. I use to be a tank main but my aim has improved over the years I switched over to DPS. I am a good marksmen and a good strong damage dealer all around. I added you on bnet my name is JayMoney.