Looking For PUGS

Hey all, coming back to shake the rust off getting ready for OW2 beta. Does anyone still run pick up games for fun? Or maybe a discord of people who do?



You should definitely join our discord group where we host them from time to time!

Might do one tomorrow!

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Thanks hulk, will do that tonight. How often do you play?

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The aim is to have a lobby every week provided we can get the players!

Our discord is rapidly growing so soon enough finding players shouldn’t be a problem.

We are also just a cool community so everyone is welcome to join and chill and just chat if they want to.

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Do you form teams for ranked aswell?

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That is something we are most definitely planning on!

At the moment we don’t have existing teams for ranked but we would definitely like to start with that.

Anyone who wishes to form a team is more than welcome to look for players on the discord!

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Sounds good appreciate it. I just want to get back to where I was in ranked and then play some pugs from time to time. Excited for OW2 and all the changes. Goats pushed me away, then came back, then 222 and double shield pushed me away again. Looking forward to playing more though

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Thank you. This is exactly what I was looking for.


there are several PUGs discord servers still active. I suggest going to the subreddit and searching PUG discord

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I would be wary of a certain discord server where the “rules” are unequally applied - where some receive public warnings and not others for misdemeanors.

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I helped creating a server where to organize events like this (pugs, scrims, etc.): I have since resigned as admin but I can send an invite if you are interested. :+1:
I’ll be honest, I can’t say we have this kind of events every week but you’ll always find someone online (especially from EU) if you want to group up. :wink:




Sure send it over, i play NA though. But just looking to play some fun matches outside of comp

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There you go!
h ttps://discord.gg/xhQqbp8p

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Hey I write you here cause I couldn’t send you an answer on Discord: no worries man, thanks for coming by! I hope we’ll be able to meet again soon (maybe for some pub/scrim) ;D

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Thanks again, hope to play soon

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Once again talking nonsense.

You wrote to me privately about things you found to be inappropriate. This was shared with the other admins and various people were spoken to based on how we saw the comments. If you could stop trying to deter people from our Discord, that would be appreciated -.-

(A discord you are still in btw lol, so clearly you don’t have that much of an issue with it).

If anyone DOES want to join a friendly discord, improve and wait for OW2 then follow Schottkys link. We currently have 60+ members and semi regular international scrim with an italian team. We need more members from all regions to get a proper scrim/pug/tournnament going.

Someone is nearly always streaming gameplay and chilling in VC. And we have the almighty Electro as a member, nothing more needs to be said :smiley:

EDIT: you know what, this is the second or third time I have seen you trying to stop others joining our discord, (which again you are a member of). I am not really keen on someone trying to tank our efforts, especially from within the group itself, so… I will do you a favour and remove you from it.


Just to add some context:
h ttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/forum-tournamentscrimspugs/643214/37

Hulk, we could have coexisted peacefully but you clearly weren’t interested in it.
Sadly at this point I agree in the server taking part with you, good luck with your future endeavours and with your pug server.

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Good to hear that you handled things - I didn’t even mention your Discord.