Looking for non-toxic adults to group with in qp

Hi! I’m trying to find some more people to play ow with. I recently quit for a bit due to the toxicity in the game and how tilting the gameplay can feel, but I’m back now, feel a lot better about ow, and just wanna have a good time with qp.

I don’t care about rank, gender, or what you play; however, I’d like to group up with other adults preferably.

If it matters to you, I’m an adult female diamond player. I’m introverted af but I don’t mind using a mic. I’d probably queue for dps mostly, but can play anything. Feel free to add if you want to play :slight_smile:
Bt: Dalinar#11590

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Hey there, I tried to add your bt, but it didn’t seem to work? Mine is Underducky#1550

Not sure why it didn’t work, but I sent a request

You play on the US server, I suppose?

Oops, forgot to mention that. Yeah!

Damn. :smiley: But that’s what I expected, these are the US forums after all.

Request wouldn’t send so mine is umbrellacorp#1826

I just sent you a request on BN!

I’d love to play together n flex!! add if ya want! cozy#11599

Hi, I’d love more friends to play with! I’m currently high silver. Used to be platinum years ago. But I also quit for a long time because of toxicity, and it’s so hard to climb back out. I’ve been trying to play more comp but I don’t mind qp either. I sent a request, but I’m not sure it went through. Mine is Craymc#1446

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Haven’t been on the forums in 50 years so I’m just seeing this lol, will add :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey, I changed my name so that’s probably why it didn’t work. Sent you a request :+1:

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Got it. Sorry it took me a bit to respond. Had some rough weather come through so I’ve been offline