Looking for friendly players~

Okay, so here’s the deal. I have played overwatch on and off since beta. I started on playstation and recently moved to PC. It’s been a while, and in quickplay I grew pretty confident of my skills. So I said hey, let me just hop into comp real quick and try my luck. Now, for 8 years I’ve been playing games like league and overwatch, and have never EVER touched ranked or competitive. It’s really scary for me as I’m a nervous player and I don’t like chatting on the mic with strangers because it usually ends on someone teasing me or being mean because I’m a chick. This one comp game that I played today made me lose all motivation, because the entire time I was getting bashed on and it made me more nervous and in turn play worse. I’m not necessarily looking to play comp again any time soon, but I would like to meet some people who are willing to help me get better and maybe eventually help me get to ranked. I’m just looking for people who aren’t toxic no matter what the situation and hopefully people that are friendly as well. If you’re interested feel free to shoot me a discord request - Nova#8257 I don’t have a server or anything but it’ll give us a place to chat. Thank you~


Sorry to hear about your poor experience on comp. That’s comp in a nutshell lol.
I’m a trash plat but happy to help you get better if you’re interested.

add me on discord or my bt is LoliNova#1812 !!!

Hey, I’d be down for a bit of quick play every now and then if you’re interested. Not a big comp person myself though.

you know , i am going to be honest. i am the same exact way, i get RLY shaky and im just chopping it up to being anxiety. i know exactly how you feel, feel free to add me if you want a friend! Paperclipp#11728

Hey! I was wondering if you would be willing to join a discord looking for players who want to improve. We have a few people looking to team up, and coaches to help you improve and all that good stuff. LMK if you’re interested! As well as anyone who wants to join in the comments, just DM me!

Hey! I added you on discord!

I know this is a retard question but are you NA or EU?

I just requested you on Discord!

I added you on both, I just have fun in the game cause it’s a blast, specially with others! I would love to play sometime!