Looking for a team... High Gold///Low Plat

I’ve been stuck in High Gold and Low Plat for awhile now. I play dps and I get gold hero damage almost every game. I wanna find one more healer, atleast two more tank players, and one more dps player. I really wanna have them be active, and have mics to talk and communicate during the game. If you are in High Gold or Low Plat hmu my ign is gcopus.

Send me a friend request and message on discord DanTheLionMan#8046

hey, i have the same issue. i generally play reaper/junk/genji but can also play off tanks as zarya/dva/hammond
add me on discord: Thai Prinsen#5284

Hey there! I have a community I am part of that will help you climb. We are 2000+ members and have several teams in open division. I added you on discord.

Hey there! I have a community I am part of that will help you climb. We are 2000+ members and have several teams in open division. We have both casual and competitive teams so we can help you climb! Syphaa#8745 if you want to talk :slight_smile: